Deepwater Port Licensing Program Banner
Deepwater Port Licensing Program Banner 20
Orange vessel sitting at the dock
School of fish swimming
LNG ship at the port
Processing vessel in the ocean
Processing ship lit up at night
Red vessel Excelsior in the ocean alongside smaller boats
LNG ship at the port
A whales tail sticking out of the water
Vessel processing plant on the water
Red and White vessel charging in the ocean
Yellow processing unit
underwater processing unit transferring to vessel

Lead and Participating Agencies

Lead Federal Agencies

Maritime Administration: Office of Deepwater Ports & Offshore Activities
U.S. Coast Guard: Deepwater Ports Standards Division

Other Participating Federal Agencies

Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Council on Environmental Quality
Department of Energy
Department of Energy – Office of Natural Gas Regulatory Activities
Department of State – Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs
Environmental Protection Agency
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – National Marine Fisheries Service
Office of Natural Resource Revenue
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Sandia National Laboratories
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

State of Alabama

Governor’s Office – Alabama
Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
Alabama Public Service Commission

State of California

Governor’s Office – California
California Public Utilities Commission
California State Lands Commission

State of Florida

Governor’s Office – Florida
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Florida Office of Energy

State of Louisiana

Governor’s Office – Louisiana
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
Louisiana Department of Natural Resources

Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Governor’s Office – Massachusetts
Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources
Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs

State of Mississippi

Governor’s Office – Mississippi

Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
Mississippi Department of Marine Resources

State of New Jersey

Governor’s Office – New Jersey
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
New Jersey Energy Master Plan

State of New York

Governor’s Office – New York
New York Power Authority
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
New York State Energy Plan
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority

State of Texas

Governor’s Office – Texas
Railroad Commission of Texas
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality