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HUD   >   FAQs   >   Refunds
FHA Refunds

Question 1: I had an FHA mortgage, and I think I may be due a refund of my mortgage premium. How can I find out?

Answer: Check our list. If your name appears, call (800) 697-6967 for more information. You should provide your FHA case number, if you know it.

Question 2: I recently was contacted by someone who said that HUD owes me money and he could get it for me. Is this true? Is it legal?

Answer: The Department has stepped up its efforts to locate homeowners who are owed FHA refunds. We have hired Immediate System Resources, Inc. to find homeowners who are owed money. This will save people the "finders fees" normally collected by third party tracers. If someone from Immediate System Resources, Inc. contacts you, they are officially affiliated with HUD and will help you and won't charge you to get your refund.

Other "tracer" companies are legal. But they do not represent HUD, and they will charge you a fee. You do not have to use a tracer to get your refund, if you are owed one.

You can read about HUD refunds, right on our home page, including how to get yours.

More information about FHA refunds.

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