Photo of kids running through the grass and photo of adults in a fitness class President's Challenge Transition

President’s Challenge Transition

The President’s Challenge Physical Activity & Fitness Awards Program, a program of the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition, has recognized nearly 70 million Americans of all ages and ability levels for their physical activity and nutrition achievements since 1988. Through a variety of programs, including the longstanding and evolving youth fitness test, the President’s Challenge has provided tools and resources to motivate youth and adults to meet the Physical Activity and Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

On August 31, 2016, the programs that comprise the President’s Challenge underwent an organizational transition to better serve the American public. New and existing partnerships are providing additional resources for these programs to improve their efficiency, accessibility, and physical activity and nutrition tracking options. The Presidential Youth Fitness Program (PYFP), Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (PALA+), and Presidential Champions programs are continuing, while the Adult Fitness Test will undergo a review to ensure it best serves the needs of the public.

Key details on the program transitions:

Presidential Youth Fitness Program (PYFP):  All operations of the Presidential Youth Fitness Program continue, including distribution of the awards and recognition items. The program provides educators with the necessary tools and information to achieve excellence in physical education through quality fitness education and assessment practices. PYFP operates through a public-private partnership between the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, The Cooper Institute, SHAPE America, and the National Foundation on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition. All program resources and information about how to get involved can be found at

Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (PALA+):  The PALA+ program will become a challenge on the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s SuperTracker – a free online tool for tracking daily food and physical activity. More details on this new partnership will be announced soon.

  • New and existing PALA+ users can complete the challenge using the PALA+ paper log available on in English and Spanish indefinitely, and may download and print their digital award certificate from the PALA+ program page on
  • The President’s Challenge online tracker is now closed.
  • To receive updates via email when PALA+ launches on SuperTracker, please click here to sign up for the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition newsletter, or click here to sign up for updates on SuperTracker.

logo for Presidential ChampionsPresidential Champions:  The Presidential Champions program is now part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s SuperTracker – a free online tool for tracking daily food and physical activity. Individuals who participated in the program on the President’s Challenge website before August 2016 can follow an easy two-step process to resume earning points towards awards, and the program is open to new sign-ups. Visit the Presidential Champions page for more information on how to continue participating in the program.

Adult Fitness Test:  The Adult Fitness Test is undergoing a review and is no longer available in its most recent format. Reviews of testing protocols are being conducted and the website will be upgraded to best serve the needs of the public. An announcement will be made when the Adult Fitness Test has been updated and is available for use.

As part of this transition, the President’s Challenge office in Bloomington, Indiana, is closed. The President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition will continue to manage operations of PYFP, PALA+, Presidential Champions, and the Adult Fitness Test, alongside its respective partners. The President’s Council expresses its sincere gratitude to the Indiana University School of Public Health – Bloomington, for its long-standing support and dedication to advance the health and wellness of Americans of all ages and abilities through their support and administration of the President’s Challenge. We also thank SHAPE America, the current co-sponsor, for their support of this long-standing program.

For questions or concerns about an outstanding invoice with the President's Challenge please email

Historical Background

As the President’s Council’s national awards program, the President’s Challenge has constantly evolved since presidential recognition was established in 1966. Initially introduced as the Presidential Physical Fitness Award, the singular award recognized achievement in youth fitness in schools nationwide. In the mid-1980s, the introduction of additional awards marked the next evolution of the Presidential Physical Fitness Awards Program into what became known as the President’s Challenge program in 1988. Since then, the President’s Challenge grew to include new awards and new challenges.

Most recently, in 2012, the Presidential Youth Fitness Program was launched to phase out the Presidential Physical Fitness Test. This new program to assess student fitness levels now provides additional tools and resources to ensure students are fit for life. With an evolved approach, the fitness assessment has moved away from recognizing athletic fitness to providing a barometer on student’s health. Based on the latest science and research, the Presidential Youth Fitness Program places emphasis on the value of living a physically active and healthy lifestyle—in school and beyond. Approximately 25,000 schools, with an estimated reach of 13 million students, are engaged with the Presidential Youth Fitness Program.

For any questions about the President’s Challenge Transition not answered in this statement or Frequently Asked Questions below, please email

Frequently Asked Questions about the President’s Challenge Transition

Q:           What does this change mean for visitors of the President’s Challenge and users of its programs?
A:            Visitors to the President’s Challenge website may bookmark the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition website for physical activity and nutrition facts, tips, and resources. Users of the President’s Challenge programs can find transition details for each program above.

Q:           When do you expect to re-launch PALA+ on SuperTracker?
A:            We will announce plans to re-launch PALA+ on SuperTracker soon. If you would like to be notified when this program is re-launched, click here to sign up for the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition newsletter, or click here to sign up for updates on SuperTracker.

Q:           I’m working towards a PALA+. Will I be able to continue working towards the award on SuperTracker?
A:            If you have not started PALA+ or want to start it on SuperTracker, you can begin logging your physical activity and nutrition when PALA+ launches in SuperTracker; stay tuned for more information. If you want to begin PALA+ now, you should use the paper log to complete the program during the transition period. There is no difference in the program in how it is presented in the paper log or online.

Q:           What is happening to the President’s Challenge Advocate Program?
A:            The President’s Challenge Advocate Program ceased operations on August 31, 2016, ending the advocate organizations’ relationship to the President’s Challenge. However, all advocate organizations are strongly encouraged to continue using the President’s Council’s free programs to help motivate their communities to live active, healthy lifestyles.

Q:           How can I order my student recognition items for the Presidential Youth Fitness Program?
A:            You can order your recognition items by visiting

Q:           I’m still using the Presidential, National, and Participant awards from the Youth Fitness Test. How does this transition affect me?
A:            These award items are no longer available. The Youth Fitness Test was sunset in 2013. All physical educators interested in assessing student fitness are encouraged to get started with the Presidential Youth Fitness Program. It’s free!

Q:           Can I still purchase products from the President’s Challenge?
A:            Products that feature the President’s Challenge brand are no longer available.

Q:           Who can I contact for more information?
A:            We are happy to answer any questions you may have related to the transition of the President’s Challenge and the programs. Please email us at

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