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#MySmallAct: Simple Actions that Have a Big Impact

April 24, 2015 - 2:16pm


Earth Day was earlier this week. Read a recap below of how people are taking simple actions to make a big difference. | Photo courtesy of NASA.

Earth Day was earlier this week. Read a recap below of how people are taking simple actions to make a big difference. | Photo courtesy of NASA.

#MySmallAct: Simple Actions that Have a Big Impact

Protecting the planet on Earth Day and every day.

Storified by Energy Department ·
Fri, Apr 24 2015 17:15:48

Earlier this week people from all over the world celebrated Earth Day, the anniversary of the environmental movement. To kick off the festivities, we highlighted 10 simple things you can do to save energy.
We shared a video highlighting some of the inspirational people who are working to make our world a better place through clean energy.
#MySmallAct: Everyday People Making a Big Difference ·
We also asked what small acts you were doing to protect the planet.

How are you saving energy this #EarthDay? Here are a few ideas: #MySmallAct @EnergySaver ·
Energy Department
And you had some great responses!
The National Laboratories got into the act.

Small acts that make a big difference? That’s the #Berkeley way! What do you do? #mysmallact @LosAlamosNatLab ·
Berkeley Lab

By collecting snack bags for #recycling, Sandia kept 4,619 bags — or 49 pounds — out of landfills in 2014 #MySmallAct ·
Sandia National Labs

A small act can make a big difference. Here’s how Berkeley Lab contributes! #mysmallact #EarthDayEveryDay #biketowork ·
Berkeley Lab

What's your small act? For Alice and Mark, it's cleaning up the past for a better future! #mysmallact ·
LANL Earth

A truly inspirational quote for this #EarthDay (and every day). H/T @ARMOR_ASE #mysmallact ·

A small act with big impact? Many of us commute to work daily using electric vehicles. #mysmallact @LosAlamosNatLab ·
Berkeley Lab

One small action can be the difference! Here is how Berkeley Lab contributes… #mysmallact #EarthDayEveryDay ·
Berkeley Lab
As did we.

Allison is using power strips to save energy this #EarthDay. #MySmallAct ·
Energy Department

Paul is saving fuel by taking public transportation. #EarthDay #MySmallAct ·
Energy Department

Marissa is saving energy (and money) by pedaling to work. #EarthDay #MySmallAct ·
Energy Department

Matty is reading a book instead of turning on the television to save
energy this #EarthDay. #MySmallAct
Energy Department
Through simple acts, we can all make the world a more sustainable place on Earth Day and every day. Check out Energy Saver for more ideas on how to save energy and protect the planet.
