Jobs & Economy

Creating jobs and rebuilding our economy continues to be Democrats’ top priority.  As our economy recovers, Democrats are fighting for middle class families and small businesses.  We are moving a Make It In America agenda to increase manufacturing and create good paying jobs here at home, and we are fighting to extend tax cuts for the middle class.
When faced with the deepest recession in generations, Democrats passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which gave tax cuts to 95% of American families and has created and saved more than 3 million jobs according to non-partisan experts.  Democrats also enacted Wall Street reform legislation that restores common sense rules to protect families and our economy from the excesses of big banks on Wall Street and help prevent a financial collapse from ever happening again.  This puts middle class Americans – not big banks – back in control, ending bailouts and increasing consumer protections.
Democrats believe that small businesses are the backbone of our economy, and have worked to help them grow and create jobs.  Democrats have passed legislation to prevent multinational corporations from outsourcing jobs overseas, give tax credits to small businesses who hire new employees, restore the flow of credit to small businesses so they can grow and create jobs, and extend the research and development tax credit that encourages innovation and job creation.

A new report released by Whip Hoyer in September details how the American economy consistently performs better under Democratic presidents. Examining economic performance between 1949 and 2015, the report identifies what our economy could have looked like in 2016 had Democrats been in the White House during the entire 68 year period. Click here to view the new report, here to view a one-page summary, and here for a card with key findings from the report. You can view graphs highlighting key findings from the report here.

Democratic Whip Issue Reports

December 6, 2016
September 13, 2016

Democratic Whip Press