
January 24, 2017

Yesterday, President Trump issued an Executive Order. He imposed a hiring freeze on the federal workforce. 

January 23, 2017

Well, I think this was largely, Erin, an opportunity for him to get to know members of the leadership that he did not already know, and it was an opportunity to just have a, frankly, a conversation, although serious issues were brought up, but discussion in depth did not occur. 

January 13, 2017

Every American will be affected by this vote. Not just the 20 million people who will lose their insurance immediately, 30 million total lose their insurance. 

January 13, 2017

I think what the Inspector General needs to do is [ask] ‘were the proper policies followed? Do the facts justify the action that was taken?’ Not so much for what happened in the past, but for what ought to be done in the future. 

January 12, 2017

Mr. Speaker, I rise out of a deep concern, not only for the thirty million Americans who will lose access to health coverage and the tens of millions of others who will see their costs rise if Republicans repeal the Affordable Care Act without a replacement. 

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