Upcoming Meetings and Events

The National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) expedites the discovery, development and deployment of nanoscale science and technology to serve the public good. To fulfill this vision, the NNI coordinates, sponsors and manages meetings and workshops on a wide range of topics from basic research to exploring the potential environmental, health and safety risks of nanotechnology.

Experts from industry, academia, and the Federal Government, as well as the general public, take part in these meetings and workshops to probe the state of the science in nanotechnology research and to identify gaps and emerging trends in nanotechnology-related research.

This list includes both NNI-sponsored and -affiliated workshops, as well as outside nanotechnology-related workshops that may be of interest to the public and to our stakeholders. If you would like your event to be considered for this list, please submit your event here.

Nano Tech Japan 2017

Asia's biggest nanotechnology conference.

Gordon Conference: Nanomaterials for Applications in Energy Technology

Developing sources of sustainable energy is a crucial challenge for the 21st century. Nanotechnology may contribute paradigm-changing approaches to energy technology, because many energy conversion, storage and transport processes occurs with the critical length at nanoscale and at interfaces and surfaces, which are abundant in nanomaterials.

TechConnect World: NanoTech 2017

Join us in Washington D.C. as the TechConnect World Innovation Conference co-locates with the largest global innovation program in physical and life sciences. The joint programs include the Nanotech 2017 Conference, the National Innovation Summit and the National SBIR/STTR Conference.
