
Department of Veterans Affairs

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The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) serves and honors the men and women who are America’s veterans. VA is the largest single provider of medical care to people living with HIV in the United States, supporting over 24,000 veterans living with HIV. This includes HIV testing, care, and treatment; clinician and patient education; prevention activities; and research directed at continuous improvement of medical and preventive services and delivery of care to veterans. VA’s HIV/AIDS efforts are carried out by VA medical facilities across the country. (Locate a VA facility.)

VA provides HIV testing and care to all eligible veterans regardless of sexual orientation or prior or current substance use. In line with current Federal public health recommendations, voluntary HIV testing is now recommended as part of routine medical care for all Veterans. VA also has launched a national HIV testing campaign, Get Checked, to encourage every veteran to get tested for HIV at least once. In addition, the VA HIV/AIDS website provides information and educational materials for veterans and the public on HIV prevention, testing, and treatment, as well as tips on living with HIV.  Also, health care providers will find HIV treatment guidelines, clinician tools, and an extensive image library.  Educational materials for both patients and providers, including videos, brochures, posters, manuals, and a drug dosing toolkit, are also available on the site.

VA is one of the six lead Federal agencies implementing of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy. Read about its role here. Read its Operational Plan.

Content provided by VA.
Content last updated: May 2012

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Content provided by VA.

Last revised: 05/11/2012