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Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms

  • Designed to help learners at any level better understand genetic terms
  • Guided by national science standards
  • Explained by scientists at the NIH

The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) created the Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms to help everyone understand the terms and concepts used in genetic research. In addition to definitions, specialists in the field of genetics share their descriptions of terms, and many terms include images, animation and links to related terms.

Getting Started:

Enter a search term or explore the list of terms by selecting a letter from the alphabet on the left and then select from the terms revealed. (A text-only version is available from here.)

  1. The Talking Glossary

    At the bottom of most pages in the Talking Glossary are links to help you get the most out of this glossary.

    Linked information explains how to cite a term from the Glossary in a reference paper.

  2. Available on the App Store!

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) created the Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms to help everyone understand the terms and concepts used in genetic research. In addition to definitions, specialists in the field of genetics share their descriptions of terms, and many terms include images, animation and links to related terms.

Getting Started

Enter a search term or explore the list of terms by selecting a letter from the alphabet on the left and then select from the terms revealed.

  • At the bottom of most pages in the Talking Glossary are links to help you get the most out of this glossary.
  • Linked information explains how to cite a term from the Glossary in a reference paper.
About the Talking Glossary
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