Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Survey of Terms of Business Lending (E. 2)


This feed provides information about Survey of Terms of Business Lending data available from the Federal Reserve Board through the Data Download Program (DDP).

  • January 25, 2013
    E.2 Data Download Program (DDP) data now available
    Data from the E.2 release are now available for customizable download through the Federal Reserve Board's Data Download Program (DDP). These data will be updated quarterly with the E.2 release.

  • December 21, 2012
    Changes to Items Report on the Release for December, 2012
    On March 26, 2012, the Federal Reserve Board under OMB delegated authority approved the request to revise the data collected on the voluntary Survey of Terms of Lending (the source for the data used to produce the E.2 release). Effective with this release (for data collected for the week of November 5-12), the number of banks that is reporting the new items is sufficient to calculate meaningful summary statistics for those responses. Several changes, summarized below, have been made to the E.2 release.
    1. The minimum loan size reported on the survey is now $10,000, an increase from the previous minimum loan size of $7,500. This new minimum is reflected on all tables of the E.2 release.
    2. Loans guaranteed, either in part or in whole, by the Small Business Association (SBA) are now identified. The percent of loans backed by the SBA are now shown on tables 1-6. A new table summarizing the terms of loans backed by the SBA has been added (table 7).
    3. Loans made under syndication or participation are now identified. The percent of loans made under these arrangements are now shown on tables 1-6. A new table summarizing the terms of loans made under participation or syndication has been added (table 8).

    In addition to these changes, the time series from the aggregate data reported on the E.2 release will be available for customizable download through the Federal Reserve Board's Data Download Program (DDP) in late January. These data will be updated quarterly with the E.2 release. Finally, we will no longer provide a PDF of the E.2 release.

Last update: January 25, 2013