
Current SMAIF Activities

Two Men Portrait Two Women Portrait Man and Woman Portrait Two Men Portrait Four Women Portrait One Woman Portrait One Man Portrait Man and Woman Portrait Three Men and a Woman Portrait

In FY2016, SMAIF was funded at $53.9 million, which was used to support 33 programs and activities, and administrative resources. These SMAIF-funded activities serve one or more racial/ethnic minority groups, risk groups, and disproportionately affected geographic areas. These activities are led by nine HHS Operating Divisions and Staff Offices, who in turn make awards to grantees. All of the activities support the goals of both the National HIV/AIDS Strategy and the Minority AIDS Initiative by promoting innovation and collaboration across HHS-supported HIV activities, state and local agencies, and community organizations to strengthen HIV prevention and care among racial and ethnic minorities in the United States and bolster the critical focus areas identified in the National HIV/AIDS Strategy: widespread testing and linkage to care; support for people living with HIV to remain engaged in comprehensive care; universal viral suppression; and full access to PrEP services for those for whom it is appropriate and desired.

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Demonstration Projects


Primary Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups Served: American Indians, Alaska Natives, Blacks/African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos
Agency: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Description: THRIVE is a demonstration project that supports state and local health departments in collaborating with community-based organizations, health care clinics and providers, behavioral health providers, and social services providers to develop comprehensive models of prevention, care, behavioral health, and social service for gay men of color who are at risk for or living with HIV. Health departments in seven jurisdictions are involved in this effort: Alabama, Baltimore, District of Columbia, Louisiana, New York City, Philadelphia, and Virginia, as well as HealthHIV, a national nonprofit providing culturally competent technical assistance, training, and capacity building services to health departments and their partners.

Partnerships for Care (P4C) Exit Disclaimer

Primary Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups Served: Blacks/African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos
Agency: CDC, Health Services and Resources Administration (HRSA), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Description: P4C is a demonstration project that is building sustainable partnerships among CDC-funded state health departments and HRSA-funded health centers to support expanded HIV service delivery in communities highly affected by HIV, especially racial/ethnic minorities. Under P4C, health departments and health centers are working together to increase the identification of undiagnosed HIV infection, integrate HIV services into primary care, and enhance the use of surveillance and electronic health record data to improve linkage to and retention in care and improve HIV outcomes along the continuum of care for disproportionately impacted racial and ethnic minority populations living with HIV. Health departments and health centers in four states are participating in this demonstration project: Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, and New York.

Project PRIDE

Primary Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups Served: American Indians, Alaska Natives, Asians, Blacks/African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders
Agency: CDC
Description: PRIDE is a demonstration project to provide support to 12 health departments to implement two public health strategies – PrEP and Data to Care – to reduce new HIV infections in communities of color among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men and transgender persons.


New FY2016 Projects

Implementing a Jurisdictional Public Health Approach to HCV Diagnosis and Treatment of Co-Infected Individuals

Primary Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups Served: American Indians, Alaska Natives, Asians, Blacks/African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders
Agency: HRSA
Purpose: To enhance the infrastructure and capacity of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part A and/or B recipients to rapidly expand HCV testing and treatment through provider and patient education, technical assistance, and structural improvements to increase access to care and adherence for racial/ethnic minority populations.

Improving Access to Care: Using Community Health Workers to Improve Linkage/Retention in Care

Primary Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups Served: Blacks/African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos
Agency: HRSA
Purpose: To increase the utilization of community health workers to improve access to health care and health outcomes for people of color living with HIV.

Building Care and Prevention Capacity: Addressing the HIV Care Continuum in Southern Metropolitan Areas and States

Primary Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups Served: American Indians, Alaska Natives, Blacks/African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos 
Agency: HRSA
Purpose: To provide technical assistance and capacity building/service delivery resources to improve HIV prevention and care services among newly screened, newly identified and previously identified but out-of-care minority people living with HIV in southern metropolitan areas and states.

People Living with HIV (PLWH) Leadership and Training

Primary Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups Served: American Indians, Alaska Natives, Asians, Blacks/African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders 
Agency: HRSA
Purpose: To support leadership training for people of color living with HIV, including women and transgender women of color, by developing digital tools to enable people living with HIV to participate on planning bodies, on care teams, in organizations, on boards of directors, and in other leadership positions.

Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders Project

Primary Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups Served: Asians, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders
Agency: Office of Minority Health (OMH)
Purpose: To increase the utilization of HIV testing and linkage services among Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders through coordinated media and community events that promote HIV/AIDS awareness in online settings.

OPA Prevention Project: Evidence-based Promotion of Access to PrEP within Title X Funded Family Planning Services Projects

Primary Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups Served: Blacks/African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos 
Agency: Office of Population Affairs (OPA)
Purpose: To develop and disseminate an evidence-based algorithm to provide PrEP services to racial/ethnic minority persons at risk of HIV within Title X funded family planning services projects.

Advancing Prevention and Care Services in At-Risk Urban Communities

Agency: SAMHSA
Primary Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups Served: American Indians, Alaska Natives, Asians, Blacks/African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders
Purpose: To improve health outcomes for people of color at risk of HIV infection through drug treatment, HIV and viral hepatitis screening, and access to PrEP services in conjunction with syringe service programs.

Increase Access to Care for Black MSM

Primary Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups Served: Blacks/African Americans 
Agency: CDC
Purpose: To provide in-person assistance following HIV testing to help black men who have sex with men enroll in health insurance.


Continuation Projects

Addressing HIV & Housing through Data Integration to Improve Health Outcomes Exit Disclaimer

Primary Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups Served: Blacks/African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos
Agency: HRSA
Purpose: To support the integration of housing and HIV health care data systems to facilitate a coordinated and comprehensive approach to HIV/AIDS housing, care, and support services for homeless and unstably housed people of color living with HIV.

Evaluation of a Model to Deploy Disease Intervention Specialists (DIS) to Improve HIV Outcomes

Primary Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups Served: Blacks/African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos
Agency: CDC
Purpose: To evaluate the integration of activities that support various parts of the HIV prevention and care cascade into the routine STD prevention work of Disease Intervention Specialists in four sites to improve HIV outcomes among racial/ethnic minority people living with HIV.

Awareness, Screening, & Referral in Racial & Ethnic Minority Populations

Primary Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups Served: American-Indian/Alaska Natives, Asians, Blacks/African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, Native Hawaiians/Other Pacific Islanders
Agency: OMH
Purpose: To increase opportunities for HIV and early hepatitis diagnosis, linkage to care, and improved health outcomes for underserved indigenous and immigrant populations of color.

Development of Tools to Engage Adolescent MSM in HIV Prevention Efforts

Primary Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups Served: Blacks/African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos
Agency: CDC
Purpose: To support the development of tools and other resources to better engage racial/ethnic minority adolescent gay males in HIV prevention efforts through the use of formative research.

Strategic Partnerships & Health Marketing Services for the Act Against AIDS Campaigns

Primary Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups Served: Blacks/African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos
Agency: CDC
Purpose: To provide communication tools for clinical and community-based providers serving racial/ethnic minority transgender populations that will assist with HIV prevention for those at high risk, linkage and retention to care for those living with HIV, and stigma-reduction efforts.

National Resource Center for HIV/AIDS Prevention Among Adolescents Exit Disclaimer

Primary Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups Served: Blacks/African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos
Agency: Office of Adolescent Health (OAH)
Purpose: To provide access to practical tools and resources for service providers, community-based organizations, and professionals who serve racial/ethnic minority adolescents who reside in communities with high HIV prevalence and are at-risk for HIV based on a variety of issues including behavioral risk factors.

Regional Resource Network Project HIV/AIDS

Primary Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups Served: American Indians/Alaska Natives, Asians, Blacks/African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders
Agency: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH) Regional Health Administrators (RHA)
Purpose: To provide technical assistance to various stakeholders and to promote and facilitate HIV, STI, hepatitis C prevention, and linkage to care opportunities for racial/ethnic minorities.

Violence Intervention to Enhance Lives

Primary Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups Served: Blacks/African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos
Agency: SAMHSA
Purpose: To reduce Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and HIV-related health disparities experienced by racial/ethnic minority individuals through screening and referrals and reduce risky behaviors that lead to new HIV infections and substance use disorders.

Improving HIV Services for American Indians and Alaska Natives

Primary Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups Served: American Indians, Alaska Natives
Agency: Indian Health Service

Retention and Re-Engagement in Care

Purpose: To improve entry and/or re-engagement into care, and improve quality of HIV care for American Indians and Alaska Native people living with HIV using medical informatics tools and adherence support.

National Screening Implementation

Purpose: To expand capacity of providers to diagnose and treat American Indians and Alaska Natives with HIV/AIDS and/or HCV through HIV program indicators monitoring and technical assistance.

Regional Model: Expansion of HIV/HCV Treatment

Purpose: To increase clinical capacity for screening, linkage to care, and treatment for American Indians and Alaska Native people with HIV and HIV/HCV co-infection in the Great Plains Area and Oklahoma Area.

Improving Patient Care and Outcomes 

Purpose: To promote a combination of prevention intervention strategies (outreach and clinical level) in American Indians and Alaska Native communities, with a focus on high-risk persons who inject drugs.

Integrating Mental Health Services in HIV Care

Purpose: To provide new services to American Indians and Alaska Natives living with HIV who have co-occurring substance abuse service needs to prevent HIV transmission and increase continuity of and quality of care.

Alaska Natives Prevention Outreach & Testing Services

Purpose: To increase the capacity for HIV/STD education, outreach, and testing for American Indians and Alaska Native living in Alaska including high-risk gay men.

Disseminating Effective Adolescent Health Interventions in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities 

Purpose: To promote the use of HIV prevention behavioral interventions within existing systems of care to reach at-risk American Indian and Alaska Native youth.

Outreach/Education Activities for Youth Exit Disclaimer

Purpose: To reduce new HIV infections among American Indian and Alaska Native youth using social marketing and social media.

Clinical Capacity Enhancements

Purpose: To provide technical assistance to expand Urban Indian Health Program (UIHP) capacity to meet the clinical needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives living with HIV/AIDS.

Primary Care Management Extension

Purpose: To increase access to care for American Indian and Alaska Native patients with HIV by increasing clinical capacity of non-specialist Indian Health Services providers to manage HIV/AIDS.

Primary Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups Served: American Indians, Alaska Natives, Asians, Blacks/African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders
Agency: Office of HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Policy (OHAIDP)
Purpose: To build capacity, increase awareness, provide access to Federal resources, and reduce health disparities among racial/ethnic minorities by promoting and implementing the National HIV/AIDS Strategy; using and providing technical assistance on emerging digital technologies to highlight innovative programs serving racial/ethnic minorities; promoting comprehensive prevention strategies such as PrEP, HIV testing, treatment adherence to achieve and maintain viral suppression, retention or re-engagement in HIV care and treatment, and strategies to address and reduce HIV-related stigma, homophobia, transphobia, and discrimination; and coordinating across MAI partners.

HIV and Viral Hepatitis Coinfection

Primary Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups Served: American Indians, Alaska Natives, Asians, Blacks/African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders
Agency: OHAIDP
Purpose: To develop strategies for implementing the diagnosis, ability to access treatment, and successful treatment completion among racial and ethnic minority persons who are coinfected with HIV and viral hepatitis.

SMAIF Special Projects, Oversight and Administration

Agency: OHAIDP
Purpose: To provide staffing support for the development, management, and evaluation of SMAIF-funded projects and other activities that support coordination and improvement of HIV and viral hepatitis prevention and care in communities of color.


Last revised: 11/15/2016
