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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Securities Underwriting and Dealing Subsidiaries

  • Securities Underwriting and Dealing Subsidiaries
  • About

A broker-dealer authorized to engage in securities underwriting, dealing, or market-making may, under certain circumstances, be acquired by a bank holding company, by a foreign bank subject to the Bank Holding Company Act, or by a state member bank. The resulting subsidiaries and the institutions owning them are listed here under the following categories:

Section 20 Subsidiaries
As of March 31, 2011

Section 20 subsidiary Parent organization FR District Date of
initial approval
BBVA Securities, Inc. Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. Atlanta 3/1998

Section 4(k)(4)(E) Securities Subsidiaries
As of December 19, 2013

The following table has column headers that are selectable. Once selected, the column can be sorted either in descending or ascending order; however, the screen reader user may not receive an indication that a change has occurred.

Financial Subsidiaries (Securities) of State Member Banks
As of March 31, 2011

Financial Subsidiaries of State Member Banks Parent Bank FR District
Comerica Securities, Inc. Comerica Bank Dallas
Fifth Third Securities, Inc. Fifth Third Bank Cleveland
Last update: December 19, 2013