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Tracking Network Peer-reviewed Scientific Publications

Environmental Epidemiology

  1. Boothe V, Dimmick WF, Talbot TO. Relating air quality and environmental public health tracking data. Ecology and the Environment. 2005; 85: 43-52
  2. Babin SM, Burkom HS, Holtry RS, et al. Pediatric patient asthma-related emergency department visits and admissions in Washington, DC, from 2001-2004, and associations with air quality, socio-economic status and age group. Environmental Health. 2007; 6 (9).
  3. Rabito FA, Iqbal S, Shorter CF, et al. The association between demolition activity and children's blood lead levels. Environmental Research.2007; 103: 345-351.
  4. Kaiser MY, Kearney G, Scott KG, DuClos C, Kurlfink J. Tracking childhood exposure to lead and developmental disabilities: Examining the relationship in a population-based sample. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): 577-580.
  5. Lin S, Bell EM, Liu W, Walker RJ, Kim NK, Hwang A. Ambient ozone concentration and hospital admissions due to childhood respiratory diseases in New York State, 1991- 2001. J Envires. 2008; 06 (007); 42-47.
  6. Lin S, Liu X, Le LH, Hwang A. Chronic exposure to ambient Ozone and Asthma hospital admissions among children. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2008; 116 (12): 1725-1730.
  7. Paulu C, Smith AE. Tracking associations between ambient ozone and asthma-related emergency department visits using case-crossover analysis. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): 581-591.
  8. Xu X, Zborowski JV, Arena VC, Rager J, Talbott EO. Case-crossover analysis of air pollution and cardiorespiratory hospitalizations: Using routinely collected health and environmental data for tracking: Science and data. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): 569-576.
  9. Young LJ, Gotway CA, Yang J, Kearney G, DuClos C. Assessing the association between environmental impacts and health outcomes: A case study from Florida. Statistics in Medicine. 2009; 3249: 1-18
  10. Haley VB, Talbot TO, Felton HD. Surveillance of short-term impact of fine particle air pollution on cardiovascular disease hospitalizations in New York State. Environmental Health. 2009; 8 (42).
  11. Knowlton K, Rotkin-Ellman M, King G, et al. The 2006 CA heat wave- impacts on hospitalizations and ED visits. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2009; 117 (1): 61-67.
  12. Lin S, Luo M, Walker RJ, Liu X, Hwang S, Chinery R. Extreme high temperatures and hospital admissions or respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Epidemiology. 2009; 20 (5): 738 - 746.
  13. Meng Y, Rull R, Wilhelm M, Lombardi C, Balmes J, Ritz B. Outdoor air pollution and uncontrolled asthma in the San Joaquin Valley, California. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2010; 64:142-147
  14. Ozkaynak H, Glenn B, Qualters JR, Strosnider H, McGeehin MA, Zenick H. Summary and findings of the EPA and CDC symposium on air pollution exposure and health. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 2009; 19: 19-29.
  15. Strickland MJ, Klein M, Correa A, et al. Ambient air pollution and cardiovascular malformations in Atlanta, Georgia, 1986-2003. Am J Epidemiol. 2009; 169: 1004-1014
  16. Thurston GD, Bekkedal MYV, Roberts EM, et al. Use of health information in air pollution health research: Past successes and emerging needs. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 2009; 19: 45-58
  17. Marshall EG, Harris G, Wartenberg D. Oral cleft defects and maternal exposure to ambient air pollutants in New Jersey. Birth Defects Research (Part A). 2010; 88:205 215.
  18. Muscatiello NA, Babcock G, Jones R, Horn E, Hwang S. Hospital emergency department visits for Carbon Monoxide poisoning following an October 2006 snowstorm in Western New York. J Environmental Health. 2010; 72 (6): 43-48.
  19. Fortunato L, Abellan JJ,Beale L,Lefevre S, Richardson S. Spatio-temporal patterns of bladder cancer incidence in Utah (1973-2004) and their association with the presence of toxic release inventory sites. International Journal of Health Geographics. 2011: 10:16.
  20. Lin S, Hsu W, Van Zutphen AR, Saha S, Luber G, Hwang S. Excessive Heat and Respiratory Hospitalizations in New York State: Estimating Current and Future Public Health Burden Related to Climate Change. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2012; 120 (10)
  21. Reid CE, Mann JK, Alfasso R, et al. Evaluation of a heat vulnerability index on abnormally hot days: an environmental public health tracking study. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2012; website:
  22. Van Zutphen AR, Lin S, Fletcher BA, Hwang SA. Population-Based Case-Control Study of Extreme Summer Temperature and Birth Defects. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2012; 120(5):715-20
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  1. Glad JM, Kotchian SB, Barron, GM. Developing a local comprehensive environmental and health tracking system: Using what we know to improve health and the environment. Journal of Environmental Health. 2004; 66(10): 9-14.
  2. Hanrahan LP, Anderson HA, Busby B, Bekkedal M, et al. Wisconsin's Environmental Public Health Tracking Network: Information Systems Design for Childhood Cancer Surveillance. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2004; 112(14): 1434-1439.
  3. Knorr RS, Condon, SK, Dwyer FM, Hoffman DF. Tracking Pediatric Asthma:The Massachusetts Experience Using School Health Records. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2004; 112 (14): 1424-1427.
  4. Laflamme, DM, Vanderslice JA. Using the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) for Exposure Tracking: Experiences from Washington State. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2004; 112 (14): 1428-1433.
  5. Litt J, Tran N, Maleki KC, Neff R, Resnick B, Burke T. Identifying Priority Health Conditions, Environmental Data, and Infrastructure Needs: A synopsis of the Pew Environmental Health Tracking Project. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2004; 112 (14): 1414-1418.
  6. McGeehin MA, Qualters JR, Niskar A. National Environmental Public Health Tracking Program: Bridging the Information Gap. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2004; 112 (14): 1409-1413.
  7. Ritz B, Tager I, Balmes J. Can Lessons from public health disease surveillance be applied to environmental public health tracking? Environmental Health Perspectives. 2005; 113 (3): 243-249.
  8. Bekkedal M, Sipsma K, Stremski ES, Malecki KC, Anderson HA. Evaluation of five data sources for inclusion in a statewide tracking system for accidental carbon monoxide poisonings. Wisconsin Medical Journal. 2006; 105 (2): 36- 40.
  9. Kyle AD, Balmes JR, Buffler PA, Lee PR. Integrating Research, Surveillance, and Practice in Environmental Public Health Tracking Tracking Pediatric Asthma:The Massachusetts Experience Using School Health Records. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2006; 114 (7): 980-984.
  10. Ali R, Wheitner D, Talbott EO, Zborowski JV. Connecting environmental health data to people and policy: integrating information and mobilizing communities for Environmental Public Health Tracking. Journal of Community Health. 2007;32 (5): 357-374.
  11. Bartholomay RC, Carter JM, Qi SL, Squillace PJ, Rowe GL. Summary of Selected U.S. Geological Survey Data on Domestic Well Water Quality for the Centers for Disease Control's National Environmental Public Health Tracking Program. USGS Scientific Investigations Report. 2007- 5213, 57 p
  12. Dreyling E, Dederick EJ, Chari R, et al. Tracking Health and the environment: A pilot test of environmental public health indicators. Journal of Environmental Health. 2007; 70(5): 9-16.
  13. Graber JM, McDonald SC, Kass DE, Smith AE, Anderson HA. Carbon Monoxide: The case for Environmental Public Health surveillance. Public Health Reports. 2007; 122: 138-144.
  14. Litt JS, Wisman A, Resnick B, Dawson RS, Hano M, Burke T. Advancing Health and Environmental Disease Tracking: A 5-Year Follow-Up Study. American Journal of Public Health. 2007; 97 (3): 456 - 463.
  15. Logue JN, White MV, Marchetto DJ. Pennsylvannia's Asthma school project and descriptive pilot investigation: a focus on environmental health tracking. Journal of Environmental Health. 2007; 70(3): 21-27.
  16. Rogers HS, Jeffrey N, Kieszak S, et al. Mercury exposure in young children living in New York City. Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine. 2007; 85(1): 39-51.
  17. Talbott EO. Can the concept of environmental public health tracking work in a real-life setting? Occupational Medicine Forum. 2007; 584-586
  18. Wang Y, Cross PK, Steen PM, et al. Development of a web-based care reporting management and communications system for the statewide birth defects registry in New York. Journal of Registry Management.2007; 34(2); 45-52.
  19. Athens J, Bekkedal M, Malecki K, et al. Measuring the environmental health of Wisconsin's counties. Wisconsin Medical Journal. 2008; 107 (4): 169-175.
  20. Li J, Dawson B. From patchwork to national network: working collaboratively to create a national environmental public health tracking network. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): 596-599.
  21. Love D, Rudolph B, Shah G. Lessons learned in using hospital discharge data for state and national public health surveillance: implications for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): 533-542.
  22. Malecki KC, Resnick B, Burke TA. Effective Environmental Public Health Surveillance Programs: A Framework for Identifying and Evaluating Data Resources and Indicators. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): 543-551.
  23. McGeehin MA. National environmental public health tracking program: Providing data for sound public health decisions. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): 505-506.
  24. Steen PM, Wang Y, Tao Z, Cross PK, Druschel CM. Implementing a web-based case reporting and communication system among hospitals reporting to the birth defects registry in New York State. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): E11-E16.
  25. Wartenberg D, Thompson WD, Fitzgerald EF, et al. Developing integrated multistate environmental public health surveillance. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): 552-561.
  26. Wilhelm M, Meng Y, Rull RP, English P, Balmes J, Ritz B. Environmental Public Health Tracking of childhood asthma using California health interview survey, traffic, and outdoor air pollution data. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2008; 116 (8): 1254-1260.
  27. Fitzgerald E, Wartenberg D, Thompson WD, Houston A. Birth and Fetal Death Records and Environmental Exposures: Promising Data Elements for Environmental Public Health Tracking of Reproductive Outcomes. Public Health Reports. 2009; 124: 825 - 830.
  28. Haley VB, Talbot TO, Felton HD. Surveillance of short-term impact of fine particle air pollution on cardiovascular disease hospitalizations in New York State. Environmental Health. 2009; 8 (42).
  29. Wartenberg D. Some considerations for the communication of results of air pollution health effects tracking. Air Qual Atmos Health. 2009. 2(4):207-221.
  30. Rice DC, Lincoln R, Martha J, Parker L, Pote K, Xing S, Smith AE. Concentration of metals in blood of Maine children 1-6 years old. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 2010; 20: 634-643.
  31. Hao Y, Flowers H, Monti MM, Qualters J. U.S. census unit population exposures to ambient air pollutants. International Journal of Health Geographics. 2012; 11(3)
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  1. Mather FJ, White LE, Langlois C, et al. Statistical Methods for Linking Health, Exposure, and Hazards. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2004; 112 (14): 1440-1445.
  2. Babcock GD, Talbot TO, Rogerson PA, Forand SP. Use of CUSUM and Shrew Charts to monitor regional trends of birth defect reports in New York State. Birth Defects Research (Part A). 2005; 73:669 - 678
  3. Ryan PB, Burke TA, Hubal EA, Cura JJ, AcKone TE. Using biomarkers to inform cumulative risk assessment. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2007; 115 (5): 833-840.
  4. Thompson WD, Waternberg D. Additive versus multiplicative models in ecologic regression. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess.2007; 21:635-646.
  5. Young LJ, Gotway CA. Linking spatial data from different sources: the effects of change of support. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess.2007; 21:589-600.
  6. Ball W, Lefevre S, Jarup L. Comparison of different methods of Spatial Analysis of Cancer in Utah. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2008; 116 (8): 1120-1124.
  7. Roberts EM, English PE, Wong M, Wolff C, Falade M. Spatially continuous local rate modeling for communication in public health: A practical approach. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): 562-568.
  8. Vaidyanathan A, Staley F, Shire J, Muthukumar S, Kennedy C, Meyer PA, and Brown MJ. Screening for Lead Poisoning: A Geospatial Approach to Determine Testing of Children in At-risk Neighborhoods. Journal of Pediatrics. 2008; 145 (3): 409 414
  9. Young LJ, Gotway CA, Kearney G, DuClos C. Assessing uncertainty in support-adjusted spatial misalignment problems. Communications in Statistics Theory and Methods. 2008; 27: 3998-4015.
  10. Chinery R, Walker R. Development of Exposure Characterization Regions for Priority Ambient Air Pollutants. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal. 2009; 15( 5): 876 - 889
  11. Matte TD, Cohen A, Dimmick F, et al. Summary of the workshop on methodologies for environmental public health tracking of air pollution effects. Air Qual Atmos Health. 2009; 2:177-184
  12. McKone TE, Ryan PB, Ozkaynak H. Exposure information in environmental health research: Current opportunities and future directions for particulate matter, ozone, and toxic air pollutants. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 2009; 19; 30-44.
  13. Talbot TO, Haley VB, Dimmick WF, Paulu C, Talbott E. Developing consistent data and methods to measure the public health impacts of ambient air quality for environmental public health tracking: Progress to date and future directions. Air Qual Atmos Health. 2009; 2:199-206
  14. Wartenberg D, Greenberg MR, Harris G. Environmental Justice: A contrary finding for the case of high-voltage electric power transmission lines. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 2010; 20: 237-244
  15. Kumar S, Liu M, Hwang S. Multifaceted Comparison of ArcGIS and MapMarker for Automated geocoding. Geospatial Health. 2012; 7(1): 145 - 151
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  1. Bekkedal MY, Malecki KC, Werner MA, Anderson HA. Using a partnership barometer to evaluate environmental public health tracking activities. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): 592-595.
  2. Li L., Xu L, Jeng HA, Naik D, Allen T, Frontini M. Creation of environmental health information system for public health service: A pilot study. Inf Syst Front. 2008; 10: 531-542.
  3. Patridge J, Namulanda G. Describing Environmental Public Health Data: Implementing a Descriptive Metadata Standard on the Environmental Public Health Tracking Network. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): 515-525.
  4. Smordinsky S, Roberts E, Wolff C, et al. The California Environmental Health Tracking Program : New online GI S tools for investigating diseases and the environment. Bay Area Mapping Assocoiation Journal. 2008; 2 (1): 5
  5. Talbot TO, Kumar S, Babcock GD, Haley VB, Forand SP, Hwang S. Development of an interactive environmental public health tracking system for data analysis, visualization, and reporting. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): 526-532.
  6. Beale L, Hodgson S, Abellan JJ, Lefevre S, Jarup L. Evaluation of Spatial Relationships between Health and the Environment: The Rapid Inquiry Facility. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2010; 118 (9): 1306-1312.
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All Publications

  1. Marmagas SW, King LR, Chuk MG. Public health's response to a changed world: September 11, biological terrorism, and the development of an environmental health tracking network. American Journal of Public Health. 2003; 93 (8): 1226 - 1230.
  2. Glad JM, Kotchian SB, Barron, GM. Developing a local comprehensive environmental and health tracking system: Using what we know to improve health and the environment. Journal of Environmental Health. 2004; 66(10): 9-14.
  3. Hanrahan LP, Anderson HA, Busby B, Bekkedal M, et al. Wisconsin's Environmental Public Health Tracking Network: Information Systems Design for Childhood Cancer Surveillance. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2004; 112(14): 1434-1439.
  4. Knorr RS, Condon, SK, Dwyer FM, Hoffman DF. Tracking Pediatric Asthma:The Massachusetts Experience Using School Health Records. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2004; 112 (14): 1424-1427.
  5. Laflamme, DM, Vanderslice JA. Using the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) for Exposure Tracking: Experiences from Washington State. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2004; 112 (14): 1428-1433.
  6. Litt J, Tran N, Maleki KC, Neff R, Resnick B, Burke T. Identifying Priority Health Conditions, Environmental Data, and Infrastructure Needs: A synopsis of the Pew Environmental Health Tracking Project. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2004; 112 (14): 1414-1418.
  7. Mather FJ, White LE, Langlois C, et al. Statistical Methods for Linking Health, Exposure, and Hazards. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2004; 112 (14): 1440-1445.
  8. McGeehin MA, Qualters JR, Niskar A. National Environmental Public Health Tracking Program: Bridging the Information Gap. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2004; 112 (14): 1409-1413.
  9. Babcock GD, Talbot TO, Rogerson PA, Forand SP. Use of CUSUM and Shrew Charts to monitor regional trends of birth defect reports in New York State. Birth Defects Research (Part A). 2005; 73:669 - 678
  10. Boothe V, Dimmick WF, Talbot TO. Relating air quality and environmental public health tracking data. Ecology and the Environment. 2005; 85: 43-52
  11. Ritz B, Tager I, Balmes J. Can Lessons from public health disease surveillance be applied to environmental public health tracking? Environmental Health Perspectives. 2005; 113 (3): 243-249.
  12. Bekkedal M, Sipsma K, Stremski ES, Malecki KC, Anderson HA. Evaluation of five data sources for inclusion in a statewide tracking system for accidental carbon monoxide poisonings. Wisconsin Medical Journal. 2006; 105 (2): 36- 40.
  13. Kyle AD, Balmes JR, Buffler PA, Lee PR. Integrating Research, Surveillance, and Practice in Environmental Public Health Tracking Tracking Pediatric Asthma:The Massachusetts Experience Using School Health Records. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2006; 114 (7): 980-984.
  14. Ali R, Wheitner D, Talbott EO, Zborowski JV. Connecting environmental health data to people and policy: integrating information and mobilizing communities for Environmental Public Health Tracking. Journal of Community Health. 2007;32 (5): 357-374.
  15. Babin SM, Burkom HS, Holtry RS, et al. Pediatric patient asthma-related emergency department visits and admissions in Washington, DC, from 2001-2004, and associations with air quality, socio-economic status and age group. Environmental Health. 2007; 6 (9).
  16. Bartholomay RC, Carter JM, Qi SL, Squillace PJ, Rowe GL. Summary of Selected U.S. Geological Survey Data on Domestic Well Water Quality for the Centers for Disease Control's National Environmental Public Health Tracking Program. USGS Scientific Investigations Report. 2007- 5213, 57 p
  17. Dreyling E, Dederick EJ, Chari R, et al. Tracking Health and the environment: A pilot test of environmental public health indicators. Journal of Environmental Health. 2007; 70(5): 9-16.
  18. Graber JM, McDonald SC, Kass DE, Smith AE, Anderson HA. Carbon Monoxide: The case for Environmental Public Health surveillance. Public Health Reports. 2007; 122: 138-144.
  19. Juzych NS, Resnick B, Streeter R, et al. Adequacy of State Capacity to Address Noncommunicable Disease Clusters in the Era of Environmental Public Health Tracking. Birth Defects Research (Part A). 2008; 82:822-829.
  20. Kingsley BS, Schmeichel KL, Rubin CH. An Update on Cancer Cluster Activities at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2007; 115 (5): 165-171.
  21. Litt JS, Wisman A, Resnick B, Dawson RS, Hano M, Burke T. Advancing Health and Environmental Disease Tracking: A 5-Year Follow-Up Study. American Journal of Public Health. 2007; 97 (3): 456 - 463.
  22. Logue JN, White MV, Marchetto DJ. Pennsylvannia's Asthma school project and descriptive pilot investigation: a focus on environmental health tracking. Journal of Environmental Health. 2007; 70(3): 21-27.
  23. Rabito FA, Iqbal S, Shorter CF, et al. The association between demolition activity and children's blood lead levels. Environmental Research.2007; 103: 345-351.
  24. Rogers HS, Jeffrey N, Kieszak S, et al. Mercury exposure in young children living in New York City. Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine. 2007; 85(1): 39-51.
  25. Ryan PB, Burke TA, Hubal EA, Cura JJ, AcKone TE. Using biomarkers to inform cumulative risk assessment. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2007; 115 (5): 833-840.
  26. Talbott EO. Can the concept of environmental public health tracking work in a real-life setting? Occupational Medicine Forum. 2007; 584-586
  27. Thompson WD, Waternberg D. Additive versus multiplicative models in ecologic regression. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess.2007; 21:635-646.
  28. Wang Y, Cross PK, Steen PM, et al. Development of a web-based care reporting management and communications system for the statewide birth defects registry in New York. Journal of Registry Management.2007; 34(2); 45-52.
  29. Young LJ, Gotway CA. Linking spatial data from different sources: the effects of change of support. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess.2007; 21:589-600.
  30. Athens J, Bekkedal M, Malecki K, et al. Measuring the environmental health of Wisconsin's counties. Wisconsin Medical Journal. 2008; 107 (4): 169-175.
  31. Ball W, Lefevre S, Jarup L. Comparison of different methods of Spatial Analysis of Cancer in Utah. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2008; 116 (8): 1120-1124.
  32. Bekkedal MY, Malecki KC, Werner MA, Anderson HA. Using a partnership barometer to evaluate environmental public health tracking activities. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): 592-595.
  33. Charleston AE, Banerjee A, Carande-Kulis VG. Measuring success: The case for calculating the return on investment of Environmental Public Health Tracking. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): 600-604.
  34. Charleston AE, Wall P, Kassinger C, Edwards PO. Implementing the Environmental Public Health Tracking Network : Accomplishments, Challenges and Directions. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): 507-514.
  35. Kaiser MY, Kearney G, Scott KG, DuClos C, Kurlfink J. Tracking childhood exposure to lead and developmental disabilities: Examining the relationship in a population-based sample. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): 577-580.
  36. Li J, Dawson B. From patchwork to national network: working collaboratively to create a national environmental public health tracking network. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): 596-599.
  37. Li L., Xu L, Jeng HA, Naik D, Allen T, Frontini M. Creation of environmental health information system for public health service: A pilot study. Inf Syst Front. 2008; 10: 531-542.
  38. Lin S, Bell EM, Liu W, Walker RJ, Kim NK, Hwang A. Ambient ozone concentration and hospital admissions due to childhood respiratory diseases in New York State, 1991- 2001. J Envires. 2008; 06 (007); 42-47.
  39. Lin S, Liu X, Le LH, Hwang A. Chronic exposure to ambient Ozone and Asthma hospital admissions among children. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2008; 116 (12): 1725-1730.
  40. Love D, Rudolph B, Shah G. Lessons learned in using hospital discharge data for state and national public health surveillance: implications for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): 533-542.
  41. Malecki KC, Resnick B, Burke TA. Effective Environmental Public Health Surveillance Programs: A Framework for Identifying and Evaluating Data Resources and Indicators. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): 543-551.
  42. McGeehin MA. National environmental public health tracking program: Providing data for sound public health decisions. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): 505-506.
  43. Patridge J, Namulanda G. Describing Environmental Public Health Data: Implementing a Descriptive Metadata Standard on the Environmental Public Health Tracking Network. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): 515-525.
  44. Paulu C, Smith AE. Tracking associations between ambient ozone and asthma-related emergency department visits using case-crossover analysis. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): 581-591.
  45. Roberts EM, English PE, Wong M, Wolff C, Falade M. Spatially continuous local rate modeling for communication in public health: A practical approach. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): 562-568.
  46. Smordinsky S, Roberts E, Wolff C, et al. The California Environmental Health Tracking Program : New online GI S tools for investigating diseases and the environment. Bay Area Mapping Assocoiation Journal. 2008; 2 (1): 5
  47. Steen PM, Wang Y, Tao Z, Cross PK, Druschel CM. Implementing a web-based case reporting and communication system among hospitals reporting to the birth defects registry in New York State. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): E11-E16.
  48. Talbot TO, Kumar S, Babcock GD, Haley VB, Forand SP, Hwang S. Development of an interactive environmental public health tracking system for data analysis, visualization, and reporting. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): 526-532.
  49. Vaidyanathan A, Staley F, Shire J, Muthukumar S, Kennedy C, Meyer PA, and Brown MJ. Screening for Lead Poisoning: A Geospatial Approach to Determine Testing of Children in At-risk Neighborhoods. Journal of Pediatrics. 2008; 145 (3): 409 414
  50. Wartenberg D, Thompson WD, Fitzgerald EF, et al. Developing integrated multistate environmental public health surveillance. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): 552-561.
  51. Wilhelm M, Meng Y, Rull RP, English P, Balmes J, Ritz B. Environmental Public Health Tracking of childhood asthma using California health interview survey, traffic, and outdoor air pollution data. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2008; 116 (8): 1254-1260.
  52. Xu X, Zborowski JV, Arena VC, Rager J, Talbott EO. Case-crossover analysis of air pollution and cardiorespiratory hospitalizations: Using routinely collected health and environmental data for tracking: Science and data. J Public Health Management Practice. 2008; 14 (6): 569-576.
  53. Young LJ, Gotway CA, Kearney G, DuClos C. Assessing uncertainty in support-adjusted spatial misalignment problems. Communications in Statistics Theory and Methods. 2008; 27: 3998-4015.
  54. Young LJ, Gotway CA, Yang J, Kearney G, DuClos C. Assessing the association between environmental impacts and health outcomes: A case study from Florida. Statistics in Medicine. 2009; 3249: 1-18
  55. Chinery R, Walker R. Development of Exposure Characterization Regions for Priority Ambient Air Pollutants. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal. 2009; 15( 5): 876 - 889
  56. Fitzgerald E, Wartenberg D, Thompson WD, Houston A. Birth and Fetal Death Records and Environmental Exposures: Promising Data Elements for Environmental Public Health Tracking of Reproductive Outcomes. Public Health Reports. 2009; 124: 825 - 830.
  57. Haley VB, Talbot TO, Felton HD. Surveillance of short-term impact of fine particle air pollution on cardiovascular disease hospitalizations in New York State. Environmental Health. 2009; 8 (42).
  58. Knowlton K, Rotkin-Ellman M, King G, et al. The 2006 CA heat wave- impacts on hospitalizations and ED visits. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2009; 117 (1): 61-67.
  59. Lin S, Luo M, Walker RJ, Liu X, Hwang S, Chinery R. Extreme high temperatures and hospital admissions or respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Epidemiology. 2009; 20 (5): 738 - 746.
  60. Matte TD, Cohen A, Dimmick F, et al. Summary of the workshop on methodologies for environmental public health tracking of air pollution effects. Air Qual Atmos Health. 2009; 2:177-184
  61. McKone TE, Ryan PB, Ozkaynak H. Exposure information in environmental health research: Current opportunities and future directions for particulate matter, ozone, and toxic air pollutants. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 2009; 19; 30-44.
  62. Meng Y, Rull R, Wilhelm M, Lombardi C, Balmes J, Ritz B. Outdoor air pollution and uncontrolled asthma in the San Joaquin Valley, California. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2010; 64:142-147
  63. Ozkaynak H, Glenn B, Qualters JR, Strosnider H, McGeehin MA, Zenick H. Summary and findings of the EPA and CDC symposium on air pollution exposure and health. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 2009; 19: 19-29.
  64. Strickland MJ, Klein M, Correa A, et al. Ambient air pollution and cardiovascular malformations in Atlanta, Georgia, 1986-2003. Am J Epidemiol. 2009; 169: 1004-1014
  65. Talbot TO, Haley VB, Dimmick WF, Paulu C, Talbott E. Developing consistent data and methods to measure the public health impacts of ambient air quality for environmental public health tracking: Progress to date and future directions. Air Qual Atmos Health. 2009; 2:199-206
  66. Thurston GD, Bekkedal MYV, Roberts EM, et al. Use of health information in air pollution health research: Past successes and emerging needs. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 2009; 19: 45-58
  67. Wartenberg D. Some considerations for the communication of results of air pollution health effects tracking. Air Qual Atmos Health. 2009. 2(4):207-221.
  68. Wartenberg D, Greenberg MR, Harris G. Environmental Justice: A contrary finding for the case of high-voltage electric power transmission lines. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 2010; 20: 237-244
  69. Wilson MP, Schwarzman MR. Towards a New U.S. chemicals Policy: Rebuilding the foundation to advance new science, green chemistry and environmental health. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2009; 117 (8): 1202-1209.
  70. Beale L, Hodgson S, Abellan JJ, Lefevre S, Jarup L. Evaluation of Spatial Relationships between Health and the Environment: The Rapid Inquiry Facility. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2010; 118 (9): 1306-1312.
  71. Marshall EG, Harris G, Wartenberg D. Oral cleft defects and maternal exposure to ambient air pollutants in New Jersey. Birth Defects Research (Part A). 2010; 88:205 215.
  72. Muscatiello NA, Babcock G, Jones R, Horn E, Hwang S. Hospital emergency department visits for Carbon Monoxide poisoning following an October 2006 snowstorm in Western New York. J Environmental Health. 2010; 72 (6): 43-48.
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