Solid Minerals Production & Royalty Reporting

Reporter Set-Up and Maintenance

  • New Reporter Checklist — Follow the checklist to assure your company is correctly set up to report and remit royalty payments. Click Instructions for New Solid Minerals Reporters.

  • Add a User under your Payor Code/Customer ID — Have each individual who will report royalties and/or require access to your company’s archived data perform the following:
    1. Read and accept the Acceptable Use Policy for External Users, and
    2. Complete and submit an EMARF by following the instructions attached to the form.

  • Cancel a User under your Payor Code/Customer ID — The individual or their supervisor must contact the Enterprise IT Service Desk at 1-877-256-6260 and notify them to delete the individual’s User ID from that system.

  • Maintain Address and/or Addressee Contact Information — Print, fill out, and mail an original, signed Form ONRR-4444 to change the mailing address and/or the addressee of record for your company. You may submit a 4444 to direct each type of correspondence from ONRR to a different address/addressee. (Changes cannot be authorized by telephone or email.)

Access to Reported Data

ONRR Data Warehouse Portal – Log in to this portal to view your reported data.

Reporting Forms

Production & Royalty

Coal Washing Allowance

  • Form ONRR-4292 – Coal Washing Allowance
    • Schedule 1 – Coals Washing Summary Sheet and Instructions
    • Schedule 1A – Non-Arm's-Length Washing Operations, Maintenance and Overhead Expenditures/Instructions
    • Supplemental Schedule 1A – Non-Arm's Length Washing Facilities, Operations, Maintenance and Overhead/Instructions
    • Schedule 1B – Non-Arm's-Length Washing Facilities Depreciation and Capital Expenditure Summary/Instructions

Coal Transportation

  • Form ONRR-4293 – Coal Transportation Report/Instructions
    • Schedule 1 – Coal Transporation Summary Sheet/Instructions
    • Schedule 1A – Non-Arm's-Length Transportation System/Segment Operations, Maintenance and Overhead Expenditures/Instructions
    • Supplemental Schedule 1A – Non-Arm's Length Transportation System/Segment Operations, Maintenance, and Overhead Expenditures/Instructions
    • Schedule 1B – Non-Arm's Length Transportation System/Segment Depreciation and Capital Expenditure Summary/Instructions
  • Form ONRR-4411 – Safety Net Report

Sales Summary and Facility Data

See References below for specific information on the requirement to report sales summary and facility data.



Training Materials


  • Mike Anspsach
    (303) 231-3618

Reporter Letters
