
QR Codes

What are QR Codes?

“QR” (or “quick response”) codes store information in the form of a two-dimensional square barcode. QR codes direct users to mobile websites or videos, store text or contact information, call a phone number, and/or send text messages and emails.

People interact with QR codes by scanning the barcode with their mobile phone camera with an app. A QR reader application is needed to detect the QR code. You can download a QR reader application to your smartphone through a mobile application store. It is possible to track when, where, and how many people are scanning QR codes with Google Analytics,, and other services.

How Can I Use QR Codes in Response to HIV?

Many commercial companies use QR codes as part of their marketing campaigns. At, we are exploring the use of QR codes on brochures, posters, postcards, or business cards to:

  • Link users to more detailed information about HIV-related topics.
  • Provide contact information about HIV services for people to quickly download.
  • Promote specific HIV events (e.g., National HIV Testing Day).

Examples From the Field Locator

The HIV/AIDS Prevention & Services Provider Locator helps users locate HIV/AIDS related clinics in their area. Locator Branded QR Code

QR codes allow some flexibility for branding. Mobile Awareness Day Page

Where Can I Learn More?

Last revised: 07/01/2013