Doctor testing vaccine

HIV Vaccine Awareness Day

Plan an Event

HIV Vaccine Awareness Day (HVAD) is observed annually on May 18th. This observance provides an opportunity to recognize and thank the many volunteers, community members, health professionals, and scientists who are working together to find a safe and effective preventive HIV vaccine. It is also a day to educate communities across the nation about the importance of preventive HIV vaccine research.

Looking to get involved for HIV Vaccine Awareness Day? Here are some ways you can prepare for and get involved in this observance in your community.

Read and share the 2016 NIH Statement on HIV Vaccine Awareness Day

Locate HIV Testing and Other Services

Locate HIV Testing and Other Services

Use and share the HIV Testing Sites & Care Services Locator.

Learn about the Locator app for iPhone and iPad and download the app here Exit Disclaimer. Download the Android app here. Exit Disclaimer

Watch These Videos

Watch NIH's Dr. Fauci Exit Disclaimer talk about why we need an HIV vaccine, the two main approaches to HIV vaccine development, and why the HVTN 702 launch is exciting.

Follow Blogs

Join and Follow the Blogosphere

Blog about HIV and your support for HIV vaccine research.

Subscribe Exit Disclaimer to the blog to hear about the HIV/AIDS awareness days, new media and the response to HIV and more.

Use New Media

Twitter logo

Use the hashtag #HVAD to share about how you’re observing HIV Vaccine Awareness Day.

Read and share the new media declaration.

How can you use new media to enhance our response to HIV/AIDS?

Learn about HIV Vaccines and the Epidemic

Learn about the Epidemic

HIV prevention research includes vaccines, microbicides and more. Click here to learn about prevention research.

Get fact sheets about the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Learn the HIV/AIDS Basics. Know the Facts, Take Care of Yourself.

Get the Facts about HIV Research

NIAID logo

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) is a leader in Federally supported research related to HIV. Read about NIAID’s work here.

Learn about volunteering for HIV research studies.

Graphics, Logos and Widgets


Download the HIV/AIDS Awareness Days postcard here (PDF, 1.49MB).

Add the HVAD logo to your materials.

Add the HIV Testing Sites & Care Services Locator to your site. Get the widget.

Read the National HIV/AIDS Strategy

National HIV/AIDS Strategy

In July 2015, the White House released the National HIV/AIDS Strategy: Updated to 2020 (PDF 2.18 MB).

Talk about it with your friends and colleagues.

Read the Federal Action Plan. (PDF, 772 KB). Watch Our Strategy: HIV Community Voices from Across the U.S. Exit Disclaimer