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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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The Federal Reserve Payments Study 2016 (PDF)
This study is the sixth in a series of triennial releases conducted since 2001 by the Federal Reserve System to estimate aggregate trends in noncash payments in the United States.
Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan 2016-19 (PDF)
This report affirms the Board's commitment to building and sustaining a diverse and inclusive workforce. The plan outlines the Board’s diversity and inclusion standards, along with strategies and actions the Board will take to meet these standards in the future.
Experiences and Perspectives of Young Workers (PDF)
The report, which presents data collected in 2015 as part of the Board's second Survey of Young Workers, provides a snapshot of the educational attainment, employment experience, job market outlook, and financial self-sufficiency of 18- to 30-year-olds.
Residential Mortgage Lending from 2004 to 2015: Evidence from the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Data (PDF)
This yearly bulletin provides an overview of residential mortgage lending in 2015 and discusses a number of changes in mortgage market activity over time based on data reported under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act of 1975 (HMDA).
Image of IJCB journal cover International Journal of Central Banking Leaving the Board
The International Journal of Central Banking (IJCB) is an initiative of the central banking community.  Published quarterly, the journal features articles on central bank theory and practice, with a special emphasis on research relating to monetary and financial stability.
Last update: January 6, 2017