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Community Water

Community Water Indicators

The indicators for community water describe public water use and the levels of various contaminants in community water supplies. These data indicate the potential for public health effects from contaminant levels of concern.

Public Water Use: This indicator shows the number of people receiving water from community water systems.

Community Water System Contaminants:

For each contaminant listed above, you can determine the following:

  • Distribution of level of contaminant in finished drinking water—These data show the number of community water systems and their concentrations of contaminants. You can use these data to see how well the community water systems are producing high-quality water.
  • Potential for exposure to the contaminant in finished drinking water—These data show estimates of the number of people served by community water supplies along with the concentration of contaminants. You can use these data to determine the potential for a population's exposure to contaminants in community drinking water
  • Level of contaminant in finished drinking water—These data show quarterly and yearly average concentrations of a contaminant in finished drinking water. You can use these data to estimate potential long-term exposure to contaminants in drinking water.

Learn more about the community water contaminants included on the Tracking Network.

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