Nanotechnology: Big Things from a Tiny World.

Subject Area:
NNI Brochures
Author: National Nanotechnology Initiative
Publication Date: Jul. 7 2008


big things from a tiny world cover


A colorful, compelling brochure that explains nanotechnology and its potential in a format that appeals to general audiences. This online version is formatted to be a printer-friendly document. This brochure is optimized for printing. If you would prefer a hard copy be mailed to you, contact


See the Spanish language version here. "Nanotecnologia: Cosas Grandes de un Mundo Diminuto"

Nanotechnology Fact

The term "nanomaterial" refers to nanoscale materials, or materials that contain nanoscale structures internally or on their surfaces. These can include engineered (or man-made) nanometer-scale objects such as nanoparticles, nanotubes, and nanofilms, as well as naturally occurring nanoparticles such as volcanic ash, sea spray, and smoke.

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