Youth Sports

Join coaches, school and community leaders help kids who want to participate in sports programs have health insurance, so that they aren't sidelined. Often, kids who aren't insured, can't play. Getting them covered will protect them both on and off the field.

"Get Covered. Get in the Game." is a campaign to help kids who want to participate in sports get the health insurance they need to protect them on and off the field.

Outreach Materials

Check out our full outreach tool library or select from the tools below to use in your outreach initiatives:



Get Covered. Get in the Game. Flyer for Parents (CMS Product Number 11804)

Direct Mail Inserts

Get Covered. Get in the Game. Direct Mail Insert for Parents (CMS Product Number 11802)

Fact Sheets

Get Covered. Get in the Game. Fact Sheet for Coaches (CMS Product Number 11803)