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The Part 75 Exam Rule Calculator allows mine operators, miners and others to calculate a mine's violation rate for nine key health and safety standards for underground coal mines, as identified in MSHA's Part 75 Exam Rule requiring examinations and recordkeeping by mine operators. The standards address ventilation, methane, roof control, combustible materials, rock dust, guarding, and other safeguards.

To learn more about how to use this tool, please see the one-page introductory guide or this PowerPoint presentation.

Enter a Mine ID:
If you do not know the Mine ID, you can find it through the Mine Data Retrieval System.

Date Range:
By default, the tool will search the most recent period for which data is available - the last quarter for underground mines. You can also input other date ranges. Data is available from January 1, 2010 up to 14 days prior to today's date. Only the current operator's history will be retrieved. Furthermore, data is refreshed on the 15th of every month.

Check Results:
The results page shows the number of Part 75 Exam Rule citations or orders issued and the number of inspection hours at that mine during the time frame. It also compares the mine's citation and order rate with the national average for that mine type in the most recent one-year period, and provides a link to each standard cited.

MSHA Inspector will share the results with Mine Operators during the inspection period. Additionally, MSHA will review the Part 75 Exam Rule violations for potential impact inspections each quarter.

MSHA Mine ID:       

To conduct additional searches outside the most recent inspection period, select dates below:

MSHA Mine ID:      Beginning Date:    Ending Date: