The Economic Impacts of Medicaid Expansion, Uncompensated Care Costs and the Affordable Care Act, ASPE Issue Brief, March 2015


The Economic Impacts of Medicaid Expansion, Uncompensated Care Costs and the Affordable Care Act

Expanding Medicaid has positive economic effects. These two factsheets highlight information on the economic impact of Medicaid expansion on individuals' financial circumstances, uncompensated care costs and state Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Research confirms that expanding Medicaid will benefit states both directly and indirectly by generating additional federal revenue, increasing jobs and earnings, increasing Gross State Product (GSP), increasing state and local revenues (via provider taxes and fees and increased prescription drug rebates), and reducing uncompensated care and hospital costs.

Economic Impact of the Medicaid Expansion (PDF-3 Pages)

Insurance Expansion, Hospital Uncompensated Care, and the Affordable Care Act (PDF-1 Page)