Premium Affordability, Competition, and Choice in the Health Insurance Marketplace, 2014


This brief provides an overview of health insurance plan premiums available in the 2014 Marketplace and the important role of the advanced premium tax credit (“tax credit”) in helping families afford coverage. It contains information on the change in the premium cost associated with the tax credit for individuals who made Marketplace plan selections through the Federally-facilitated Marketplace (FFM) during the initial open enrollment period. Also, it analyzes over 19,000 Marketplace plans for 2014, within four metal levels (bronze, silver, gold, and platinum) for each of the 501 rating areas across 50 states and the District of Columbia. Tax credits reduced premiums by approximately 76 percent, on average, for individuals who selected plans in the FFM with tax credits. Competition, as measured by the number of issuers in a rating area, was associated with more affordable benchmark plans (the second-lowest cost silver plan).

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