Smart Aid: Partnerships

Wednesday, November 2, 2016 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm


MCC's Smart Aid series  is designed to promote the sharing of best practices, innovative approaches, and lessons learned across a range of development topics to foster greater collaboration and effectively move aid forward. 

At the Millennium Challenge Corporation, our work becomes more effective when we support partnerships with organizations that share our interests in reducing poverty through economic growth. On Wednesday, November 2, MCC will be joined by the  U.S. Global Leadership Coalition (USGLC) for a discussion with representatives from some of MCC’s partner countries. Participants will highlight the value of partnerships, how they are used in a variety of ways in MCC country projects, and how partnerships help achieve shared development objectives. 

Speakers Include

  • Verania Andria, Associate Director of Green Prosperity, MCA-Indonesia
  • John Glenn, Policy Director, USGLC
  • John Kunda, Communications Director, MCA-Zambia
  • Jonathan Nash, Acting Principal Deputy Vice President of Compact Operations, MCC
  • Lona Stoll, Deputy Vice President of Sector Operations, MCC
  • Kamal Zoubi, Chief Executive Officer, MCA-Jordan


Millennium Challenge Corporation
1099 Fourteenth Street, NW 7th Floor Washington, DC 20005