GREENR: Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources

Departmental employees at the following offices/bureaus have access to this database:

  • Bureau of Indian Affairs - Nationwide
  • Bureau of Land Management - Nationwide
  • Bureau of Ocean Energy Management - Nationwide
  • Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement - Nationwide
  • Bureau of Reclamation - Nationwide
  • Fish and Wildlife Service - Nationwide
  • National Park Service - Nationwide
  • U.S. Geological Survey - Nationwide
  • Office of Natural Resources Revenue - Nationwide
  • Office of Surface Mining - Nationwide
  • Office of the Secretary - Washington Area Locations

Other users must come to the Interior Library to use this database or contact a Reference Librarian for assistance.

GREENR (Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources) is interactive and current, allowing users to navigate issue, organization and country portals. It's Gale/Cengage's one-stop site dedicated to studying sustainability and the environment.

"From global warming, to food safety, to access to health care, to the impact of economic development on international relations, today's important environmental issues are shaping the future and reach far beyond the United States. Additionally, as green collar jobs are poised for growth, municipalities strive to be environmentally friendly, and corporations develop green working environments, this resource becomes invaluable.

GREENR focuses on the study of sustainability and the environment. Both interactive and current, GREENR allows users to navigate issue, organization and country portals. A one-stop site, this resource provides news, background information, video, unique commentaries, primary source documents and statistics in highly accessible, visually appealing research areas, covering relevant categories including energy systems, healthcare, food, climate change, population, and economic development. One of the things that makes GREENR so user-friendly is that it does not look like the typical database product. This e-source also offers interactive maps and contextual multimedia, customizable journals and news, and refereed case studies."

GREENR brings a balanced assortment of multimedia that delivers:

  • Hundreds of English-language international newspapers, magazines and refereed journals
  • Recognized sources of videos, podcasts and images, updated daily
  • Searchable case studies to support targeted research
  • Interactive maps that facilitate browsing by country or topic issues
  • Sharing capabilities via social networking sites
  • A customizable homepage to accommodate specific search needs
  • Country portals covering more than 160 nations
  • Topic/Issue portals in more than 150 categories, from animal welfare to wind energy
  • Organization portals providing overviews and links to international associations