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Register for a Meeting


Registration for the ACIP meeting of February 22-23, 2017

In order to attend the ACIP meeting at CDC's Clifton Road campus, ACIP attendees (participants and visitors) must register online. The week prior to the meeting you will receive a placard for your vehicle (parking tag) and instructions for navigating the secure CDC environment to attend the ACIP meeting.

  • Meeting Location:
    Tom Harkin Global Communication Center
    (Building 19), Room 232
    Kent "Oz" Nelson Auditorium
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    1600 Clifton Road, NE
    Atlanta, Georgia 30329-4027

  • Meeting Registration (U.S. citizens AND non-U.S. citizens)
    Deadline for meeting registration:
    Non-US Citizens: February 1, 2017
    US Citizens: February 13, 2017