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Mullein (Verbascum thapsus)

BLM Colorado Weeds and Invasives Program

BLM Colorado's Weed Management Program is based on our national strategy, Partners Against Weeds. BLM Colorado is building an integrated weed management program through cooperation with county weed programs, building on-the-ground Weed Management Area Partnerships and by working with others to produce weed education and awareness materials. BLM Colorado also emphasizes preventing weeds from spreading to new locations in the actions we permit, and in the way we perform our duties every day. Each BLM Colorado field office has a designated Weed Coordinator who can provide information on local projects. BLM Colorado works with partners as often as possible in providing weed education materials for agency employees and for the public. We work on a wide variety of projects from brochures and posters to educational materials for grade school children. We work on single species issues such as purple loosestrife or on multi species projects such as the Colorado weed calendar. We also try to incorporate appreciation of our native flora when we provide information on non-native invasive plants.

 Dolores River Restoration Partnership Restores Habitat Along Dolores River