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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Housing   >   Multifamily   >   Multifamily Housing - about Multifamily Business   >   Hubs & Program Centers
Multifamily Hubs and Program Centers

This list links to the Multifamily Web page of local contact information for the respective Hub or Program Center. If the local Multifamily web pages do not contain a phone number and address for the local Multifamily Program Center, click on the "Local HUD Offices" topic on the left side of the page under the state name, to get the main address and phone number for that state's main office.

 -   Atlanta Multifamily HUB
 -   Caribbean Program Center
 -   Knoxville Program Center
 -   Louisville Program Center
 -   Nashville Program Center
 -   Baltimore Multifamily HUB
 -   Richmond Program Center
 -   Washington Program Center
 -   Boston Multifamily HUB
 -   Hartford Program Center
 -   Manchester Program Center
 -   Providence Program Center
 -   Chicago Multifamily HUB
 -   Indianapolis Program Center
 -   Columbus Multifamily HUB
 -   Cleveland Program Center
 -   Denver Multifamily HUB
 -   Detroit Multifamily HUB
 -   Ft. Worth Multifamily HUB
 -   Albuquerque Program Center
 -   Houston Program Center
 -   Little Rock Program Center
 -   New Orleans Program Center
 -   San Antonio Program Center
 -   Greensboro Multifamily HUB
 -   Columbia Program Center
 -   Jacksonville Multifamily HUB
 -   Birmingham Program Center
 -   Jackson Program Center
 -   Miami Program Center
 -   Kansas City Multifamily HUB
 -   Des Moines Program Center
 -   Oklahoma City Program Ctr.
 -   Omaha Program Center
 -   St. Louis Program Center
 -   Los Angeles Multifamily HUB
 -   Minneapolis Multifamily HUB
 -   Milwaukee Program Center
 -   New York Multifamily HUB
 -   Buffalo Program Center
 -   Philadelphia Multifamily HUB
 -   Charleston Program Center
 -   Newark Program Center
 -   Pittsburgh Program Center
 -   San Francisco Multifamily HUB
 -   Honolulu Multifamily Staff
 -   Las Vegas Multifamily Staff
 -   Phoenix Program Center
 -   NW/Alaska Multifamily HUB
 -   Seattle Program Center
 -   Portland Program Center