Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor System (MRMS)

Operational MRMS

The MRMS system was developed to produce severe weather and precipitation products for improved decision-making capability to improve severe weather forecasts and warnings, hydrology, aviation, and numerical weather prediction.

MRMS is a system with automated algorithms that quickly and intelligently integrate data streams from multiple radars, surface and upper air observations, lightning detection systems, and satellite and forecast models. Numerous two-dimensional multiple-sensor products offer assistance for hail, wind, tornado, quantitative precipitation estimation forecasts, convection, icing, and turbulence diagnosis.

Current work:

  • Advanced CONUS 4D reflectivity mosaic and products
  • Severe weather and aviation related products per FAA NextGen requirements
  • Resolution of 1-km x 2-min update cycle with 3D reflectivity mosaic at 31 levels
  • Ingest includes commercial, Canadian radars and U.S. Terminal Doppler Weather Radars (TDWR)
  • Precipitation type and rate products
  • Operational .5 km CONUS 4D reflectivity mosaics and products
  • Improved automated quality control methods for TDWR, Canadian and commercial radars
  • Initial 3D Mosaics for Hawaii / Alaska regions
  • Evaluating and advancing dual-pol algorithms specific to FAA NextGen requirements
  • Dual-polarization 4D CONUS mosaics prototype at NSSL
  • Initial 4D dual-pol Hydrometeor CONUS mosaic for model data assimilation
  • Advanced dual-pol quality control and hydrometeor classification
  • Operational dual-pol 4D CONUS mosaics at NCEP
  • Initial connections to Mexican & Caribbean radars

MRMS is being used to develop and test new Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) NextGen products in addition to advancing techniques in quality control, icing detection, and turbulence in collaboration with the National Center for Atmospheric Research, the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, and Lincoln Laboratories.

The MRMS system is also in use by the National Center for Environmental Prediction.

MRMS will be deployed operationally to the NWS in the coming years. In the interim, experimental MRMS data are available to certain users now. Hydrometeorological products are currently offered to all RFCs as well as all Western Region WFOs. Severe weather products are available to the SPC and some WFOs in the Southern Plains.

MRMS is the proposed operational version of the WDSS-II and NMQ research systems.

The MRMS system was jointly developed in cooperation with the Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies (CIMMS), and the University of Oklahoma retains the right to commercially license the software. Several leading weather information companies have previously licensed the MRMS system from the University of Oklahoma for commercial use, although the software is available for government at no cost.