Staff Research Papers

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Publication No. 2017–01–A
Tamara Gurevich, Peter Herman, Serge Shikher, Ricky Ubee, USITC
January 2017


Publication No. ID-045
Tamar Khachaturian and Sarah Oliver, USITC
December 2016
Publication No. 2016-09-B
Michael A. Anderson, Martin H. Davies, José E. Signoret, and Stephen L. S. Smith, USITC
September 2016
Publication No. 2016-09-C
William Deese, USITC
Darren Sheets, USITC
September 2016
Publication No. 2016-08-A
David Coffin, Office of Industries, Advanced Technology and Machinery Division
Tamar Khachaturian, Office of Industries, Services Division
David Riker, Office of Economics, Research Division
August 2016
Publication No. ID-044
David Coffin
Jeff Horowitz
Danielle Nesmith
Mitchell Semanik
August 2016
Publication No. 2016-07A
Lionel Fontagné - PSE-University Paris 1 and CEPII​
Cristina Mitaritonna - CEPII
José E. Signoret - USITC
July 2016


Publication No. ID-043
Andre Barbe
David Riker
December 2015
Publication No. ID-042
Tamar Khachaturian Office of Industries, USITC
November 2015
Publication No. 2015-09-A
David Riker, Office of Economics, USITC
William Swanson, Office of Economics, USITC and University of California Davis
September 2015
Publication No. 2015-09B
Jennifer Ferris, Office of Economics, USITC, and Duke University
David Riker, Office of Economics, USITC
September 2015
Publication No. 2015-08-A
Serge Shikher Office of Economics, USITC
August 2015
Publication No. ID-041
André Barbé - Office of Economics, USITC
June 2015
Publication No. 2015-05A
David Riker USITC
May 2015
Publication No. 2015-05B
David Riker Office of Economics, USITC
May 2015
Publication No. No. 2015-04A
David Riker Office of Economics, USITC
April 2015
Publication No. ID-040
Cynthia B. Foreso
André Barbé
- Office of Industries, USITC
March 2015
Publication No. ID-039
Alberto Goetzl - Office of Industries, USITC
January 2015
Publication No. 2015-01-A
David Riker - Office of Economics, USITC
January 2015
Publication No. 2015-01-B
David Riker - Office of Economics, USITC
Maksim Belenkiy - George Mason University, School of Public Policy
January 2015


Publication No. 2014-12C
David Riker - Office of Economics, USITC
December 2014
Publication No. ID-038
Caitlin Blair - Office of Industries
Andrew David - Office of Industries
Sharon Ford - Office of Industries
Dennis Fravel - Office of Industries
John Kitzmiller - Office of Industries
Jeanette Leary - Office of Industries
Michael Stanton-Geddes - Office of Industries
Mihir Torsekar - Office of Industries
December 2014
Publication No. 2014-12B
Lin Jones - Office of Economics, USITC
Zhi Wang - Office of Economics, USITC
Li Xin - Beijing Normal University and Peking University
Christophe Degain - World Trade Organization
December 2014
Bo Meng
Glen Peters
Zhi Wang
December 2014
Publication No. ITS-11
October 2014
Publication No. RN-2014-08A
David Riker - Office of Economics, USITC
August 2014
Publication No. 2014-08-C
David Riker - Office of Economics, USITC
August 2014
Publication No. 2014-08-B
Michele Breaux - Office of Economics, USITC
Yasnanhia Cabral - Office of Economics
Michael J. Ferrantino - World Bank
José Signoret - Office of Economics
August 2014
Publication No. ID-037
Lisa Alejandro - Office of Industries, USITC
Caitlin Blair - Office of Industries, USITC
Laura Bloodgood - Office of Industries, USITC
Mahnaz Khan - Office of Industries, USITC
Martha Lawless - Office of Industries, USITC
Daniel Meehan - Office of Industries, USITC
Patrick Schneider - Office of Industries, USITC
Karl Tsuji - Office of Industries, USITC
June 2014
Publication No. ID-036
Mihir P. Torseka - Office of Industries, USITC
June 2014
Publication No. 2014-04-A
Zhi Wang - Office of Industries, USITC
Shang-Jin Wei - Columbia University, CEPR and NBER
Kunfu Zhu - Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
April 2014
Publication No. 2014-06-A
Justino De La Cruz - Office of Economics, USITC
David Riker - Office of Economics, USITC
April 2014
Publication No. ITS-10
Marin Weaver - Office of Industries, USITC
January 2014


Publication No. 2013-12-A
Justino De La Cruz - Office of Economics, USITC
David Riker - Office of Economics, USITC
Bennet Voorhees - Office of Economics, USITC
December 2013
Publication No. RN-2013-11B
Csilla Lakatos - Chief Economist Unit, DG Trade, European Commission
Tani Fukui - Office of Economics, USITC
November 2013
Publication No. No. 2013-10-01A
Lin Jones - Office of Economics, USITC
William Powers - Office of Economics, USITC
Ravinder Ubee - Office of Economics, USITC
October 2013
Publication No. 2013-09A
William Powers - Office of Economics, USITC
David Riker - Office of Economics, USITC
September 2013
Publication No. RN-2013-08-A
Alexander Hammer - Office of Economics, USITC
Lin Jones - Office of Economics, USITC
Zhi Wang - Office of Economics, USITC
August 2013
Publication No. RN-2013-07-A
Michael Ferrantino - Office of Economics, USITC
Marinos Tsigas - Office of Economics, USITC
July 2013
Publication No. No. 2013-06A
Michael Ferrantino - Office of Economics, USITC
Darren Sheets - Office of Economics, USITC
Danielle Trachtenberg - Office of Economics, USITC
June 2013
Publication No. No. 2013-05-A
Hong Ma- Tsinghua University
Zhi Wang - Office of Economics, USITC
Kunfu Zhu - Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
May 2013
Publication No. ITS-09
David Coffin - Office of Economics, USITC
May 2013
Publication No. No. 2013-04A
David Riker - Office of Economics, USITC
April 2013
Publication No. 2013-03B
William Greene - Office of Economics, USITC
March 2013
Publication No. No. ID-035
Michael McConnell - Office of Industries, USITC
Brendan Lynch - Office of Industries, USITC
John Fry - Office of Industries, USITC
March 2013
