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Northern Long-eared Bat

Section 7 Consultation

This website provides information and a process to help federal agencies fulfill their section 7 responsibilities for projects within the range of the northern long-eared.


Hibernating northern long-eared bats.

Consultation Documents and Information


Framework to Streamline 4(d) Rule Consultation Adobe PDF Icon

Optional process to streamline S7 consultation when a federal action may affect the northern long-eared bat but not cause prohibited take.


4(d) Rule Streamlined Consultation Form (Word)

A federal agency should use this form (or its contents) to notify the Service of their project and meet the requirements of the framework.


4(d) Rule Biological Opinion Adobe PDF Icon

The streamlined consultation framework relies on the finding in this Opinion.


Key to 4(d) Rule for Federal Projects Adobe PDF Icon

A stepwise process to determine when it is appropriate to use the framework to streamline consultation and when it is not.


Known Hibernacula and Roost Locations


Section 7 Responsibilities
under the 4(d) Rule

Federal actions that cause incidental take that is not prohibited under the 4(d) rule may still affect individual northern long-eared bats. Under section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, a federal agency must consult with the Service if their action may affect a listed species, which includes effects to individuals. This requirement does not change when a 4(d) rule is implemented. However, for the northern long-eared bat 4(d) rule, the Service has provided a framework to streamline section 7 consultations when federal actions may affect the northern long-eared bat but not cause prohibited take.


Framework to
Streamline Section 7 Process

Federal agencies may fulfill their project-specific section 7 responsibilities by using the Service’s framework. The framework relies on the finding of a programmatic biological opinion that the Service prepared for the northern long-eared bat 4(d) rule.


The framework requires the federal agency to notify the Service 30 days before starting an action that may affect the northern long-eared bat. The notification would include a determination that the action would not cause prohibited incidental take. Service concurrence is not required, but the Service may advise the agency whether additional information indicates that project-level consultation is required. If the Service does not respond within 30 days, the action agency may consider its section 7 responsibilities fulfilled with respect to the northern long-eared bat. The framework also includes several voluntary conservation measures that the Service recommends agencies incorporate into projects when possible.


Use of the framework is optional, an agency may choose to follow standard section 7 procedures.


If prohibited take may occur, standard section 7 procedures apply and the framework cannot be used.


Framework to Streamline Section 7 Consultation Adobe PDF Icon


Key to 4(d) Rule
for Federal Agencies

A key to the northern long-eared bat 4(d) rule for federal agencies is available. The key provides a stepwise process to determine when it is appropriate to use the framework to streamline consultation and when it is not. If an action may cause prohibited take of northern long-eared bats, a separate section 7 consultation may be necessary. In that case, contact the local Ecological Services field office for additional consultation.


Key to the Northern Long-Eared Bat 4(d) Rule for Federal Actions


Notifying the Service Under the Framework

Northern Long-Eared Bat 4(d) Rule Streamlined Consultation Form

Federal agencies (or designated non-federal representatives) should use the Northern Long-Eared Bat 4(d) Rule Streamlined Consultation form to notify the Service of their project and meet the requirements of the framework.


Northern Long-Eared Bat 4(d) Rule Streamlined Consultation Form (Word document)

Information requested in the Northern Long-Eared Bat 4(d) Rule Streamlined Consultation Form serves to

(1) notify the field office that an action agency will use the streamlined framework;

(2) describe the project with sufficient detail to support the required determination; and

(3) enable the USFWS to track effects and determine if reinitiation of consultation for the 4(d) rule is required. This form requests the minimum amount of information required for the Service to be able to track this information.


Providing information in the Streamlined Consultation Form does not address section 7(a)(2) compliance for any other listed species.


Agencies and designated non-federal representatives should fill out the form completely or cut and paste the items from the form into their own letters/forms. The forms (or agency letters) should be submitted to the local field office.


Known Hibernacula and Maternity Roost Locations


This is the first version of the form, and we anticipate updating the form in the future to improve it. If you have comments that will improve the form or the streamlined process, please send them to Karen Herrington for consideration.


No Effect Determinations

If an agency determines that a proposed action will have no effect, the Service does not have to be notified and the form does not have to be used. 


Standard Informal Consultation Process

If an agency  chooses to follow the standard informal consultation process, the form is not necessary. Go here for Section 7 Consultation step-by-step instructions.

Other Section 7 Consultation Documents and Information

Northern Long-eared Bat Biological Opinions - final Biological Opinions for federal actions that may affect northern long-eared bats


Indiana Bat and Northern Long-eared Bat - Section 7 Consultation with Federal Highway Administration and Federal Railroad Administration


Section 7 Technical Assistance Website - explains section 7 of the Endangered Species Act and provides step-by-step instructions for the consultation process.


Northern Long-eared Bat Home

Section 7 Consultation Home

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Last updated: July 19, 2016