January/February 2010

In This Issue
January/February 2010

Image of Beowulf manuscript.

Violent But Charming

The Dictionary of Old English explores the brutality and elegance of our ancestral tongue.

By Ammon Shea

Volume 31, Issue 1

Many works by William Blake, including his interpretation of Chaucer’s pilgrims, are among the holdings of the Morgan Library & Museum.

  • Features

    Image of edition of <em> Stèles</em>, first published in 1914.

    The End of Man

    And the Art of Victor Segalen.

    By Steve Moyer
    Image of Hypostyle Hall at Karnak.


    Where the digital age meets ancient Egypt.

    By Andrew Lawler
    Image of Dolley Madison.

    The Politics of Love

    Dolley Madison gained influence through kindness.

    By Catherine Allgor
    Image of Madison Avenue entrance to Morgan Library.

    The Museum of Morgan

    At the recently expanded Morgan Library, visitors encounter architectural treasures and a peerless collection of manuscripts and art.

    By Francis Morrone
    Image of Tres de Mayo (1814) by Francisco de Goya

    The Spanish Ulcer

    Napoleon, Britain, and the Siege of Cádiz.

    By Meredith Hindley
  • Departments


    Abstract in America

    Nebraska hosts talks on a pioneer in abstract art.

    By Amy Lifson

    The Art of Influence

    Nebraska hosts talks on the reach of the Mexican muralists.

    By Amy Lifson

    Jewish Pioneers

    A New York program discusses how Jewish settlers shaped the Wild West.

    By Laura Wolff Scanlan


    Love and Hate during Wartime

    In the Lizzie Gilmore collection of family letters, available through Community and Conflict, a new digital archive devoted to life in the Ozarks during the Civil War, the formalities of correspondenc

    By David Skinner

    Apocalypse Not

    In few fields is the gap separating educated opinion from specialist opinion so wide as in linguistics.

    By Steve Moyer

    Voici the Valley

    When most of us hear talk of Acadians, we think of Longfellow’s epic poem Evangeline and of the British forcing French-speakers from eastern, maritime Canada in the mid eighteenth century.

    By Steve Moyer

    Impertinent Questions

    Impertinent Questions with Melvin I. Urofsky

    On the life of Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis.

    By Meredith Hindley (edited by)

    Executive Function

    North Carolina’s Shelley Crisp

    Poet Shelley Crisp brings her passion for place to North Carolina.

    By Jim Schlosser


    Editor's Note, January/February 2010

    During a recession, everyone reaches for their green eyeshade. Unless it’s cheap, we don’t buy it. If it’s not certain to pay off, we don’t invest.

    By David Skinner