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Technical Assistance

CDC provides technical assistance for the National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) in the form of manuals and complementary resources.

For further information on NVDRS, contact

  • NVDRS Overview [PDF 661KB]
    Linking Data to Save Lives describes how the National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) helps CDC monitor and track deaths related to violence. It also provides information on the benefits and challenges of NVDRS, examples of program highlights, and next steps.
  • NVDRS Timeline [PDF 293KB]
    The NVDRS Timeline provides a summary of key milestones in the development and operation of CDC’s National Violent Death Reporting System.
  • NVDRS Implementation Manual [PDF 1.83MB]
    The NVDRS Implementation Manual is a training tool for public or private agencies who want to implement a violent death reporting system in their jurisdictions. The manual provides helpful information on what types of data to collect, where to collect them, and how to work best with data providers.
  • NVDRS Coding Manual [PDF 1.57MB]
    The NVDRS Web Coding Manual is a reference document for defining cases, entering data, and checking data once it is entered. It contains information about individual variables and the way the data are structured.  The coding manual was developed through an extensive consultation process. It is published by the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

