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Intimate Partner Violence: Additional Resources

CDC Resources

  • Coping with Stress
    CDC's Web page includes information on coping with the stress that results from personal or environmental disasters.

Other Federal Resources

  • ACF's Family Violence Prevention and Services Program
    The Family Violence Prevention and Services Program administers the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA), the primary federal funding stream dedicated to the support of emergency shelter and related assistance for victims of domestic violence and their children.
  • National Women's Health Information Center
    The National Women's Health Information Center, operated by the Office on Women's Health, is the most current and reliable resource on women's health.
  • U.S. Department of Justice Office of Victims of Crime
    The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) provides substantial funding to state victim assistance and compensation programs-the lifeline services that help victims to heal.
  • U.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women
    The Office on Violence Against Women works with victim advocates and law enforcement to develop grant programs that support a wide range of services, including advocacy, emergency shelter, law enforcement protection, and legal aid, for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

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Additional Online Resources

  • American Institute on Domestic Violence
    The institute offers on-site workshops and conference presentations that address the corporate cost of domestic violence in the workplace.
  • Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence
    This is a national network that works to raise awareness in Asian and Pacific Islander communities about domestic violence; expand leadership and expertise within Asian and Pacific Islander communities about prevention, intervention, advocacy, and research; and promote culturally relevant programs, research, and advocacy by identifying promising practices.
  • Casa de Esperanza  
    This organization helps to develop effective responses to domestic violence and facilitates support systems in the lives of Latinas "where they live."
  • Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence (CAEPV)
    CAEPV is a national, nonprofit alliance of corporations and businesses throughout the United States and Canada, working to prevent partner violence.
  • FaithTrust Institute
    Formerly known as The Center for the Prevention of Domestic and Sexual Violence, FaithTrust Institute is an interreligious, educational resource that addresses sexual and domestic violence issues.
  • Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse (MINCAVA)
    MINCAVA is an electronic clearinghouse with educational resources about all types of violence, including higher education syllabi, published research, funding sources, upcoming training events, individuals or organizations that serve as resources, and searchable databases with more than 700 training manuals, videos, and other education resources. 
  • National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC)
    NCVC is a nonprofit organization that serves victims of all types of crime, including intimate partner violence.
  • National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence (NCDSV)
    Develops and provides innovative training and consultation, influences policy, and promotes collaboration and diversity in working to end domestic and sexual violence.
  • National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV)
    NCADV is a membership organization of domestic violence coalitions and service programs.
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
    The National Domestic Violence Hotline connects individuals to help in their area by using a nationwide database that includes detailed information about domestic violence shelters, other emergency shelters, legal advocacy and assistance programs, and social service programs.
  • National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence
    For more than a decade, the Center has supported health care practitioners, administrators and systems, domestic violence experts, survivors, and policy makers at all levels as they improve health care’s response to domestic violence.
  • National Latino Alliance for the Elimination of Domestic Violence (the Alianza)
    The Alianza is a group of nationally recognized Latina and Latino advocates, community activists, practitioners, researchers, and survivors of domestic violence.
  • National Network to End Violence Against Immigrant Women
    The Network coordinates national advocacy efforts aimed at removing the barriers battered immigrant women and children face when they attempt to leave abusive relationships.
  • National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV)
    NNEDV is a membership and advocacy organization of state domestic violence coalitions and provides legislative and policy advocacy and provides training, technical assistance, and funds to domestic violence advocates through the NNEDV Fund.
  • National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV)
    The Center is a comprehensive source of information for those wanting to educate themselves and help others on the many issues related to domestic violence. A wide range of free, comprehensive, and individualized technical assistance information, training, specialized resource materials, and key initiatives designed to enhance current domestic violence intervention and prevention strategies can be accessed from the website.
  • National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)
    NSVRC identifies and disseminates information, resources, and research on all aspects of sexual violence prevention and intervention. The NSVRC website features links to related resources and information about conferences, funding, job announcements, and special events. Additional activities include coordinating national sexual assault awareness activities, identifying emerging policy issues and research needs, issuing a biannual newsletter, and recommending speakers and trainers.
  • National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center
    The Center provides information to scientists, practitioners, advocates, grassroots organizations, and any other professional or lay person interested in current topics related to violence against women and its prevention.
  • PreventConnect
    PreventConnect, a project of the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault, features an online public Listserv, prevention wiki, podcasts, and frequent web-based forums that provide prevention experts with a vehicle for analyzing and discussing ongoing efforts to prevent domestic and sexual violence.
  • The NW Network of Bi, Trans, Lesbian and Gay Survivors of Abuse
    The NW Network provides support for survivors and resources to prevent and respond to intimate partner violence in the gay, lesbian, transgender, and bisexual communities through education, advocacy, and organizing.
  • Prevent IPV
    The IPV Prevention Council represents a unified national effort committed to enhancing the capacity of state/territory domestic violence coalitions and community-based domestic violence programs to advance a comprehensive national prevention agenda and broaden support for its full implementation at the national, state, territory and local levels. The website features a searchable collection of resources generated in the field including training tools, campaigns, promising programs, evidence, policies, and other materials that can be adapted in communities to advance the prevention of intimate partner violence.
  • Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)
    Hotline: 800-656-HOPE
    RAINN is the nation's largest anti-sexual assault organization. RAINN's national hotline works as a call-routing system.
  • The Stalking Resource Center
    The Center advocates for stronger rights, protections and services for crime victims; provides education, training and evaluation; and serves as a trusted source of current information through collaboration with state, local, and federal partners.
  • Violence Against Women Electronic Network (VAWnet)
    VAWnet provides a collection of full-text, searchable resources on domestic violence, sexual violence, and related issues as well as links to an "In the News" section, calendars listing trainings, conferences, grants, and access to the Domestic Violence Awareness Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month subsites.
  • Workplaces Respond to Domestic and Sexual Violence: A National Resource Center
    This project offers information on the Internet for the benefit of those interested in providing effective workplace responses to victims of domestic violence, sexual violence, dating violence and stalking.
  • World Health Organization/TEACH-VIP
    A comprehensive injury prevention and control curriculum which has been developed through the efforts of WHO and a network of global injury prevention experts.
  • World Health Organization/World Report on Violence and Health [PDF 222 KB]
    This report, produced by the World Health Organization, is written mainly for researchers and practitioners. Its goals are to raise global awareness about the problems of violence and show that violence is preventable. The report includes a chapter specifically on intimate partner violence (Chapter 4).

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