Website Feedback Form

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Please provide your comments and suggestions!

Child Welfare Information Gateway constantly strives to improve products and services for the field. To help us better meet your needs, we welcome your comments and suggestions.

If you have a specific question about our information and resources related to child abuse and neglect, child welfare, and/or adoption-related issues and wish to receive a reply, please do not use this form; send us an email at

Please note: Child Welfare Information Gateway does not offer advice on personal issues. Please see our resources on finding help with a personal situation.

To report child abuse or neglect, please contact Child Help at 1.800.4 A Child (1.800.422.4453) or see our list of State Child Abuse Reporting Numbers by State.
Which of the following best describes your professional background or role in the child welfare field? (Check one.)
How many years of service do you have in your current profession? (Check one)