The Catalog is Cooking!

Household Workers Training Project, Women in Kitchen

You might already know that jelly beans were a staple in Cabinet meetings with President Reagan, or that President George H. W. Bush was not a particular fan of broccoli, but did you know the National Archives Catalog contains many food related records, including recipes from the White House chefs and First Families?

The holdings of the Presidential Libraries include many favorite recipes of the First Families as well as recipes prepared by White House kitchen staff for special events.  Some Presidents, like Dwight D. Eisenhower, were avid cooks, and the Eisenhower Library has a scrap book of clippings that Ike kept of his favorite recipes.

We invite you to celebrate the New Year by cooking your way through the National Archives Catalog! Here are some historical recipes guaranteed to please a crowd (or at least start an interesting conversation). Bon Appetit! 

Waffles or Pancakes? Start your day with President Kennedy’s Favorite Waffles or Betty Ford’s Buttermilk Pancakes from The Republican Congressional Cook Book. If you are looking for something light to go with your coffee, try First Lady Rosalynn Carter’s recipe for Sequoia Orange Biscuits. How about royal scones? Try making Queen Elizabeth’s Scone recipe that she sent to President Dwight Eisenhower and read the letter that accompanied her recipe for additional details.





At lunchtime, try making Lady Bird Johnson’s recipe for Pedernales River Chili. This was a much requested recipe, so much so that she claimed this chili recipe was “almost as popular as the government pamphlet on the care and feeding of children.” Why don’t you accompany the chili with the Carter family recipe for Herb Corn Sticks?


Cocktail Hour
As evening approaches, construct a cocktail using this excellent chart from the engineering and architectural drawings of the Forest Service and serve the Plains Special Cheese ring from the Carter family right alongside.

Cocktail Construction Chart

We’ve selected a bipartisan dinner menu. Try serving Nancy Reagan’s Piccata of Veal with Rosalynn Carter’s Eggplant Souffle on the side. We think you really could use a starchy side-dish too. We can’t decide on one, so page through the Forest Service’s Lookout Cookbook to find a recipe that appeals to you.


Feeding an army? We’ve got you covered! Try this 1879 Manual for Army Cooks for some practical tips in the kitchen.

Still hungry? Did we whet your appetite? Browse our Catalog for more recipes and cookbooks.

Have you made one of these recipes? We’d love to see a photo of your dish and hear how it turned out! Comment below or email us at

Interested in more finds from the National Archives Catalog? Subscribe to our newsletter!

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Get More from with our New Search

Today’s post is the third (and last) in a series about recent enhancements to NARA’s flagship website,

On average, about 180,000 queries are entered into the search box on each month. Roughly 8-10% of those queries originate on our homepage. What these statistics tell us is that search is a critical pathway for our website users to find the content they are looking for. Since search is such an important tool for connecting our customers with what they seek, earlier this year we implemented a new search technology (DigitalGov Search) with the goal of providing more relevant results.

One of the really useful things about DigitalGov Search is the analytics about how people are using the search. We are able to monitor trending keywords and optimize the results to help people find the best content for their search. For example, we noticed that “Declaration of Independence” is consistently in our top 10 searched terms. But that search query will return 28 pages of results! We curated a “Best Bet” to highlight the most relevant content for people who are just getting started on their search. To date we’ve created several dozen Best Bets and will continue to add more when we see a need based on search usage. Look for the “Recommended by National Archives” denotation at the top of search results pages for curated Best Bets.

Search results for “declaration of independence

Search results for “declaration of independence”

With the implementation of DigitalGov Search, we’ve also been able to make our search more comprehensive. You will now find results from our Presidential Library websites and the latest news from our many social media accounts. (In the example above, a recently-published YouTube video is featured.) You can also easily filter your results for images, including those we’ve shared on Instagram and Flickr, or limit results to content from the Presidential Libraries.

Results for a search on “fourth of July” images

Search results for “fourth of July” images

In the future, we hope to use the Catalog API to better integrate records into our search results. With millions of potential Catalog results, however, we are approaching this project cautiously so as not to overwhelm our searchers!

Please take the new search for a spin and let us know what you think! Did you receive useful results? What didn’t you see that you expected to? How can we make search work best for you?

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Try Out Our New Calendar of Events

Today’s post is the second in a series about recent enhancements to NARA’s flagship website,

From book signings to workshops, NARA’s educational programs and public events provide many opportunities to learn about America’s government and history. We host hundreds of events each year in locations across the country, including 13 Presidential Libraries, the National Archives Museum, and in regional facilities.

A new online calendar now makes it easier than ever to find events of interest to you. Want to see everything that’s happening near you? You can now filter events by location. Looking for programs designed for a particular audience in mind? Filter by event type including those for kids, for teachers, and for researchers. Interested in films or book signings? You can filter by those categories too. Because our new calendar is based on a database of event entries, you can now also easily search by keyword or select specific dates to see what’s happening.

Once you’ve found an event of interest, you can easily add it to your own preferred calendar (iCal, Google, Outlook, etc.) so you’ll never forget where and when to join us! Or use the Facebook and Twitter icons to easily share the event and spread the word.

Screenshot of events list, featuring image from the event "Pearl Harbor: From Infamy to Greatness"

Bummed about missing an event? Search the listing of past events to easily access webcasts of recorded programs.

Our online event database is based on a government open and structured content model, which makes it easier to display and share content in new, flexible ways. Let us know how you’d like to access information about our events!

In the next post in this series, we’ll look at our improved website search.

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Are you a Writer? Come Join us for NaNoWriMo Write Ins!


November is known for many things: Autumn weather, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving. It’s also known as NaNoWriMo – National Novel Writing Month. Every November thousands of folks (over 430,000 people signed up in 2015) spend November completing life dreams of novel writing. The goal is to write 50,000 words in the month of November. Many of the books on your shelf may have been written as a result of NaNoWriMo, including some bestsellers like Sara Gruen’s Water for Elephants, Erin Morgenstern’s The Night Circus, Hugh Howey’s Wool, and Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl (see more published books here).

Are you an aspiring writer in the Washington, DC area? Are you participating in NaNoWriMo? Consider joining us in the Innovation Hub for the lunchtime write ins. Although it’s called National Novel Writing Month it doesn’t have to be a novel you’re writing: many work on non fiction and poetry too! It’s an opportunity to get focused on writing. You can even use the space to bounce ideas off other writers. We will provide wifi, power outlets, white boards and inspiration to get your creative juices flowing. Meet other writers and learn what they are doing.

The Innovation Hub will be hosting 4 write ins in November, all from 11am-2pm:

Thursday, Nov. 10
Wednesday, Nov. 16
Friday, Nov. 18
Wednesday, Nov. 30

During these events we’ll have the space set up with some inspirational images from the Archives and provide a great opportunity for writers to write.

Not in the DC area but interested in participating? Try to take an hour or two of your day to write and let us know what your progress is! Get some coworkers together and get creative!

Innovation Hub, National Archives Building, Washington, DC
700 Pennsylvania Ave NW

Metro: Take Metrorail’s Yellow or Green lines to the Archives/Navy Memorial station. The Archives/Navy Memorial stop is across Pennsylvania Avenue from the Archives building.
Bus: Several bus lines stop at the National Archives building on Pennsylvania Ave. NW. Check the Archives website for more information.
Parking: Several commercial parking lots are located nearby and metered curb parking may be available on nearby streets.

You must bring a valid photo ID to enter the building

If you have any questions please email

Posted in DC-area Researchers, Events, Innovation Hub | Leave a comment is Now Mobile-Friendly!

A few days ago, our website underwent a substantial behind-the-scenes overhaul (learn more on the AOTUS blog). While most of the changes we made are “under the hood,” there are a few visible enhancements we’d like to highlight for you. Today’s post is the first in a series that will share some of the details of these changes. We look forward to your feedback about these improvements!

Why mobile matters
More than a third of visitors to NARA’s websites access our information via a mobile device. For us, that’s more than 8 million people a year using our sites on a tablet or smartphone. (You can find more fascinating statistics about mobile use of government websites on the DigitalGov blog.) The number of mobile users to our site increases every year, making mobile access to our holdings and information a significant priority. It is more important than ever that our holdings and content are available anytime, anywhere, and on any device.

Going responsive
The most recent changes we made to focused on the underlying infrastructure of the site and not on the front-end design. (Note: We are planning to kick off work on a full redesign next year.) However, as we worked to migrate the site into the Drupal content management system, we took the opportunity to re-code the page templates using a technique called responsive web design.

In essence, responsive design automatically scales down the display of a website for smaller screen sizes. The layout of pages changes based on your device. You might notice, for example, that only a single column is displayed on a smartphone, whereas three columns of content appear on a larger desktop screen. This technique allows us to make the most of the limited real estate on smaller devices. The navigation, for example, moves from an “always on” display to a “hamburger menu” in the top right. Navigation items are therefore hidden until you need them, making more efficient use of space on smaller screens.

Images of responsive site on various sized screens


America’s Founding Documents go mobile
It’s hard to overstate the importance of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. On our old site, these founding documents were displayed in a completely different web design which did not render well on mobile devices. As these are some of the most visited pages of our website, we decided to implement responsive design and bring these pages into the fold to match the rest of You can now easily access these critical documents from every page of our website because we also added “America’s Founding Documents” to the main navigation.

America's Founding Documents page screenshot

We hope you’ll agree that the changes we’ve made improve the user experience on smaller screens. By implementing responsive design on, we are able to make web-based content accessible to the broadest possible set of audiences and devices. Please check out on your smartphone or tablet and let us know what you think.

In the next post, we’ll look at our new calendar of events.

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Join us for a Gender Equality Edit-a-thon on October 22, 2016

Come out and join us on Saturday, October 22, 2016 from 10:00 am – 5:00 pm for a Wikipedia Edit-a-thon on Gender Equality in the Innovation Hub at the National Archives Building in Washington, DC. Register for this event today!    

Gender Equality Edit-a-thon graphic showing Wikipedia logo and Amending America logo

Help us improve Wikipedia entries related to gender equality with the National Archives and Records Administration. You do not need to have prior experience editing Wikipedia. During the event we will have an introduction to editing Wikipedia and a discussion of World War I Nurses and Red Cross records in the National Archives. It will be a lively discussion of women in the Historical record.

This event is part of the Amending America Initiative at the National Archives in celebration of the 225th anniversary of the Bill of Rights. This event is also co-sponsored with Wikimedia DC and part of DCFemTech’s Tour De Code 2016 and in connection with our celebration of American Archives Month.

National Archives Gender Equality Wikipedia Edit-a-thon

Saturday, October 22, 2016, 10:00am – 5:00pm

Register and learn more about the event or email if you have questions.

No advanced technical skills required!
All members of the public and NARA staff, whether Wikipedians or not, are welcome to join.

What to bring
Photo ID; Laptop or tablet
Lunch will be provided

The event will be held in the Innovation Hub at the National Archives in Washington, DC. To access NARA’s Innovation Hub, please use the National Archives Building’s entrance at Pennsylvania Avenue. This is the research/staff entrance, not the main exhibits/events door.

A livestream option will also be available.

Related Events
Are you NYC based? Join our Gender Equality Edit-a-thon at the National Archives in NYC on Thursday, October 13, 2016 from 10 am to 2 pm. Learn more and register here.

Join us online! Learn more and register here for the Virtual Gender Equality Edit-a-thon from October 14 – 21, 2016.

Posted in crowdsourcing, Events, Innovation Hub, Online Research, Open Government, Research | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Your First Thoughts on the Social Media Strategy

This post is written by Jeannie Chen, Mary King, and Hilary Parkinson and is part of our ongoing series about our social media strategy. We welcome comments from staff, other cultural institutions, and the public, and will continue to update the strategy as a living document.

When we introduced NARA’s new social media strategy in August, we called it a living document. But what does that mean? We wanted it to be the most relevant and up-to-date framework to guide our social media efforts, and to evolve as we worked. We asked you, the public and our staff, for feedback, and we’re excited to share the first round of edits we made based on your comments.

We put out a call for suggestions, and we heard lots of ideas! You shared your thoughts with us during in-person and virtual lightning sessions, on GitHub itself, by email, and of course through social media channels.


“Right on the Button” moving image from Department of the Treasury. Internal Revenue Service. NAID 11900. GIF via

We read each comment and discussed them, and then we clarified and expanded these parts of the strategy. You can see the changes we made to the document, and if you’re feeling extra nerdy, you can take a look at the GitHub versions. We found that the feedback fell into four major themes:

Community of practice: You told us that you wanted us to continue our role in building a strong social media community internally and with peer organizations.

Diversity: You told us that you’d like us to share more stories from and about diverse groups, and focus on records related to communities that are often under-documented in archives.

Workflow: You asked us how we get different departments, staff, and offices to all work together.

Purpose: You asked us to clarify how social media supports the greater mission of the National Archives.

Thank you for all of your comments…but we’re not done yet! We’ll continue to update the strategy as it is implemented, from sharing successes to lessons learned. Want to know what we’re working on next? Keep an eye out for our digital plan worksheet!

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The Wartime Films Project: Remembering WWI

This post comes from the team working on the Wartime Films engagement project, and is part of a series outlining how NARA is using design thinking to reach new and existing audiences. This project was made possible in part by the National Archives Foundation and a generous gift from an anonymous donor. Read the whole series here.

In this last installment of our series on user-centered design and the national WWI App, now titled Remembering WWI, we look at our initial public launch, workshops with cultural heritage partners, and the process of continued feedback and iteration.

Together with our content partners the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian National Museum of American History, we made our first major public announcement at the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) Fest in April. As part of this gathering, we held a number of user workshops to continue fine tuning the user experience of the app’s first public iteration, which will debut in beta this fall. We also gave two presentations on the collaborative process of building Remembering WWI: “Smithsonian, Library of Congress, and National Archives: Opportunities and Challenges for Working Together”, and “Historypin and the National Archives: APIs, Apps, and Audiences.”

Working closely with our national content partners, and with thematic guidance from the National WWI Museum and Memorial, we started to identify WWI content that each could feature from their own collections. This was an opportunity to focus on the diversity of narratives and paint a more complete picture of the American experience during WWI. Looking for geo-locatable content played a role in this as well, as we wanted to make sure that we could surface content from a wide variety of regions. Since many institutions do not prioritize location as part of their metadata, this also gave us an opportunity to note some partner content that could potentially benefit from crowdsourced user input once the app is live.

Jon Voss from Historypin moderating a panel focusing on institutional partnerships for the app project at DPLA Fest

Jon Voss from Historypin moderating a panel focusing on institutional partnerships for the app project at DPLA Fest

Throughout development, we’ve never stopped seeking and building upon feedback from our target audiences. In June, we held a workshop in Kansas City in which teachers had a hands-on opportunity to review updated designs. For this intimate workshop, educators from across the country gathered at the National WWI Museum and Memorial to help test the app and explore realistic scenarios for how it could be used in a classroom setting. Workshops like the one in Kansas City play an important role in helping us maintain relationships with key external representatives who will follow our progress and feed it as we iterate.

Having fun walking through potential app scenarios at the Kansas City teacher workshop. Photo credit: Kimberlee Reid

Having fun walking through potential app scenarios at the Kansas City teacher workshop. Photo credit: Kimberlee Reid

Moving forward, Remembering WWI will allow users to undertake deep exploration of NARA WWI content and create their own collections. We are seeding as much content as possible through the location-based Historypin platform, where we are also working to create themed collections based on WWI subjects recommended during the Kansas City workshop. These collections will provide jumping-off points for content discovery, and can serve as inspiration for app users. As the resources and community within Remembering WWI continue to grow, we plan to work with our user-design partners to introduce additional features such as helpful resource text for both teachers and curators.

The Historypin collection where we are currently seeding content for the app, at

The Historypin collection where we are currently seeding content for the app, at

As we reach the end of the initial development stage and prepare to share the product of this work with the public, we look forward to hearing your reactions. How will you use the app as a teacher or as a cultural institution?  What are you hoping to learn, and how can we help to enrich the experience? This is just the first step in our collaborative goal of Remembering WWI  and we hope you’ll join us.

Posted in Digitization, Films, partnerships, Photographs, Preservation, Questions, Research, Social Media (Web 2.0), Veterans / Military | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

The Wartime Films Project: Design Workshops and Feedback for our Pilot App

This post comes from the team working on the Wartime Films engagement project, and is part of a series outlining how NARA is using design thinking to reach new and existing audiences. This project was made possible in part by the National Archives Foundation and a generous gift from an anonymous donor. Read the whole series here.

In our last Wartime Films Project post, we explored the process behind selecting our pilot project, a National World War I app. This week, we’ll take a look at how gathering continual user feedback during the development process is key to project success.

A scene from our app user-design workshop at the Innovation Hub on Dec. 1st, 2015.

A scene from our app user-design workshop at the Innovation Hub on Dec. 1st, 2015.

We started by holding workshops to explore user journeys and use cases. Figuring out the way in which people would want to interact with our app was the first step in determining our requirements and design. We met with representatives from our three audience groups, making sure to talk with the people who would ultimately benefit the most from the end product.

We enjoyed holding two of these audience workshops in the Innovation Hub, an open space in the National Archives building in Washington, DC, where staff collaborate on projects with interested public stakeholders. With both museum innovators and educators present for these sessions, we presented early conceptual designs for what the app might look like and how it might function. We also asked for key pieces of feedback- What would you need? How could you use something in a simple classroom setting? In a simple museum setting? In the time allotted?- to help shape our ideas into a product that would be meaningful for users.

A flurry of Post-it notes recording feedback during an app workshop.

A flurry of Post-it notes recording feedback during an app workshop.

We held similar workshops within NARA, talking to experts on the WWI motion pictures and photographs that we’d be showcasing, to learn how we could best focus on the experience of the content itself.

We were also fortunate to have the opportunity for a meaningful partnership with the Library of Congress and Smithsonian Institution, who each provided their own original WWI records for the app. This project was the perfect opportunity to combine rich, openly licensed, and reusable content from across national institutions into a collaborative commemoration of next year’s centennial of the American entry into the Great War.

During the design-process, we started with films themselves for inspiration, looking at how we could harken back to the past visually.

During the design-process, we started with films themselves for inspiration, looking at how we could harken back to the past visually.

With our partnerships forming and the influx of fantastic feedback received early on in the design process, we kept sketching and simplifying. We became more and more realistic as we continued wireframing, zeroing-in on the actual in-app user experience. We ended up with early designs that reflected the experience of physically pulling content out of the Archives, where the records themselves are front and center and can be used to create new narratives.

Check back next week when we conclude our series with a look at our official launch announcement and user workshops.

Posted in Digitization, Films, partnerships, Photographs, Questions, Research, Social Media (Web 2.0), Veterans / Military | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Hands-on Research with THATClass and the National Archives

Today’s post comes from Dina Herbert, Innovation Hub Coordinator. Dina recently chatted with Patrick Cronin and Thomas Neville about THATClass, their project-based archival education program for Washington, DC students.

Three high school students and their THATclass leader, who volunteered to help with scanning in the digitization lab at the National Archives in Washington, DC, on July 20, 2016.

Tell me about THATClass.  What do students learn by participating in THATClass that they wouldn’t necessarily get from their regular school year lessons?

THATClass (The Humanities And Technology Class) started with partnerships among teachers, students, local archives and experts, and a question: What if we replaced the textbook with archival materials? That led to authentic historical work, with high school students framing questions about forgotten stories, researching in archives, and using new digital tools to share their findings at a professional conference. The learning experience is unique because students (and teachers) are free from the normal constraints of school, a fixed classroom location, grades, and set content to be covered. THATClass encourages learners to uncover content in archives; this is a departure from traditional humanities education.

This year, in particular, participants learned that just because a project has National Endowment for the Humanities funding and graduate-level research does not mean the scholarship is finished. In examining the site the students found that the layer for their area of research was incomplete. This was an organic way for students to generate questions based on existing scholarship and identify what resources were available to enable them to add to it. In order to enter metadata related to NARA’s individual physical sources and related assets (like newspaper articles), our students first had to learn about geo-spatial perspectives, wartime bureaucracy, and legal repercussions of debauchery in Civil War Washington. Graduate-level research yielded graduate-level content knowledge.

Has working on THATClass given you any ideas for other ways teachers and schools can collaborate with archives, libraries, and museums?

Yes, although it’s worth noting that THATClass as a formal program had to start independently from any existing school or university. The ideas behind it are so counter to the norm it took three years before anyone would take a chance on us and provide funding (thanks DC Public Library).

Two high school students scanning as a part of their THATclass experienceWe feel the time has come for the kind of work we’re doing. Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAMs) are the labs of the humanities. Schools across the country now have science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) labs, but they neglect art, repurpose libraries, rarely sing, and history is still often an endless cycle of lectures, worksheets, and tests. Establishing strong connections was key to breaking out of this rut. Our classes had historical themes and ideas to wrestle with but lacked active engagement and true skill development so reaching out to archives made sense.

For many of your students, THATClass was the first time they’ve visited the research side of an archives. What were some of their takeaways from the experience?

In our first project for THATClass one of our students was 14, the minimum age for research. This particular student, who worked with us again this summer, told the Washington Post that he kept wanting to dig for more information throughout the project and wished he had more time. I hope his takeaway is that he no longer needs us and that we’ll just get in his way and slow him down. He’d never heard of microfilm or csv files before working with us. His skillset has, in many ways, surpassed my own and I’m proud of that. He will assist me in leading undergraduates at Georgetown and Marymount Universities through archival research methods this Fall.  His and other reflections on the experience can be viewed here.

How do you use the National Archives as a venue for primary sources?

Documents scanned by a group of high school students who volunteered in the digitization lab at the National Archives in Washington, DC, on July 20, 2016.The National Archives has figured into each of our projects as both a reliable repository of relevant sources and also as a teaching tool for the research process in general. Having students experience what that process looks like is critical to pulling back the curtain. They get a feel for talking and working with the archivist, asking for a pull request for records, strategically planning for the schedule and rhythm of the pulls, being productive while you’re waiting for a pull, and what to do when the pull lacks what you hoped it had.

We’ve also gone to the National Archives because some crucial sources aren’t online yet. That’s actually turned out okay: some of the most powerful reflections we had from students highlighted the interaction with the space and the physical documents. Without using the word, they effectively came to see it as their laboratory.

What have you done in the National Archives in the past?

Our project in 2015 was about the 1968 Riots in Washington, D.C. At that time there was almost no scholarship on the topic. Over the summer, five local high school students produced the largest digitized collection of materials related to the civil disturbance. Much of their research centered around a report prepared by the National Capital Planning Commission and the Land Redevelopment Agency based on surveys about property damage (NARA Record Group 328). The students digitized a damage map using ArcGIS webware. We also submitted a Freedom of Information Act Request to the Metropolitan Police Department seeking a report on the deaths during the Riots, resulting in the first public release of these documents. The project was profiled in the Washington Post.

I know you’re working on a new project called “Downtime and Debauchery in Civil War Washington.” Can you tell me about some of the sources you’ve scanned in the Innovation Hub?

After finding several mentions of a list of Civil War Bawdy Houses, we found the special orders (#106 & #107) from the Provost Marshal of the Defenses of Washington 22nd Army Corps. These special orders led to an official inventory of the Bawdy Houses (RG 393 Pt 1, vol 298). Apparently after this list was created, the Metropolitan Police Department began conducting raids of these houses. Students then searched the Police Blotter and the Police Returns. At that point, NARA archivist Bob Ellis recommended we look at the criminal court records (RG 21). We found roughly 100 court cases during the Civil War related to “Keeping Bawdy House”. There were enough to warrant the creation of a form letter for the case files. Some of the women (and a few men) had multiple cases brought against them. Others had aliases that overlapped. There never was a case brought against the now-famous DC Madam, Mary Ann Hall, despite being listed on the official inventory of Bawdy Houses.

How can interested students get involved in next year’s program?

Two high school students scanning as a part of their THATclass experience

We will have applications for the 2017 THATSummer project open in the spring and local students in the Washington, D.C. metro area are welcome to apply. We are still working out the details so please keep a look out for the application on our website  Our funding will again come from the DC Public Library.

Posted in crowdsourcing, DC-area Researchers, Digitization, Education, Innovation Hub, Research, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments