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Quick Reports

Content Area: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning (CO-ED)
Indicator: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Emergency Department Visits
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Age-adjusted rate of emergency department visits for CO poisoning per 100,000 populationHTML document  
Crude rate of emergency department visits for CO poisoning per 100,000 populationHTML document  
Number of emergency department visits for CO PoisoningHTML document  
  Top of Page
Content Area: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning (CO-HOSP)
Indicator: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning for Hospitalizations
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Age-adjusted rate of hospitalization for CO poisoning per 100,000 populationHTML document  
Crude rate of hospitalization for CO poisoning per 100,000 populationHTML document  
Number of hospitalizations for CO poisoningHTML document  
  Top of Page
Content Area: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning (CO-Mortality)
Indicator: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Mortality
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Age-adjusted rate of death from CO poisoning per 100,000 populationHTML document  
Crude rate of death from CO poisoning per 100,000 populationHTML document  
Number of deaths from CO poisoningHTML document  
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Content Area: Childhood Cancer
Indicator: Incidence of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia in Children Less Than 15 Years Old
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Age-adjusted incidence rate of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia in children less than 15 years of age per 1,000,000 populationHTML document  
Annual number of cases of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia in children less than 15 years of ageHTML document  
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Content Area: Childhood Cancer
Indicator: Incidence of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia in Children Less Than 20 Years Old
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Age-adjusted incidence rate of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia in children less than 20 years of age per 1,000,000 populationHTML document  
Annual number of cases of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia in children less than 20 years of ageHTML document  
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Content Area: Childhood Cancer
Indicator: Incidence of Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Children Less Than 15 Years Old
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Age-adjusted incidence rate of Acute Myeloid Leukemia in children under 15 years of age per 1,000,000 populationHTML document  
Annual number of Acute Myeloid Leukemia in children less than 15 years of ageHTML document  
  Top of Page
Content Area: Childhood Cancer
Indicator: Incidence of Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Children Less Than 20 Years Old
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Age-adjusted incidence rate of Acute Myeloid Leukemia in children less than 20 years of age per 1,000,000 populationHTML document  
Annual number of Acute Myeloid Leukemia in children less than 20 years of ageHTML document  
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Content Area: Childhood Cancer
Indicator: Incidence of Brain and Central Nervous System Cancer in Children Less Than 15 Years Old
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Age-adjusted incidence rate of Brain and Central Nervous System Cancer in children less than 15 years of age per 1,000,000 populationHTML document  
Annual number of cases of Brain and Central Nervous System Cancer in children less than 15 years of ageHTML document  
  Top of Page
Content Area: Childhood Cancer
Indicator: Incidence of Brain and Central Nervous System Cancer in Children Less Than 20 Years Old
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Age-adjusted incidence rate of Brain and Central Nervous System Cancer in children less than 20 years of age per 1,000,000 populationHTML document  
Annual number of cases of Brain and Central Nervous System Cancer in children less than 20 years of ageHTML document  
  Top of Page
Content Area: Childhood Cancer
Indicator: Incidence of Leukemia in Children Less Than 15 Years Old
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Age-adjusted incidence rate of Leukemia in children less than 15 years of age per 1,000,000 populationHTML document  
Annual number of Leukemia in children less than 15 years of ageHTML document  
  Top of Page
Content Area: Childhood Cancer
Indicator: Incidence of Leukemia in Children Less Than 20 Years Old
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Age-adjusted incidence rate of Leukemia in children less than 20 years of age per 1,000,000 populationHTML document  
Annual number of Leukemia in children less than 20 years of ageHTML document  
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Content Area: Childhood Lead (CLP)
Indicator: Annual Blood Lead Levels
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Number of children testedHTML documentHTML document 
Number of children tested with confirmed blood lead levels of 10 µg/dL or greaterHTML documentHTML document 
Percent of children testedHTML documentHTML document 
Percent of children tested with confirmed blood lead levels of 10 µg/dL or greaterHTML documentHTML document 
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Content Area: Childhood Lead (CLP)
Indicator: Blood Lead Testing by Birth Cohort
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Number of children born in the same year and tested for lead before age 3HTML documentHTML document 
Number of children born in the same year and tested before age 3 with confirmed elevated blood lead levelsHTML documentHTML document 
Percent of children born in the same year tested for lead poisoning prior to age 36 monthsHTML documentHTML document 
Percent of children born in the same year and tested before age 3 with confirmed elevated blood lead levelsHTML documentHTML document 
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Content Area: Childhood Lead (CLP)
Indicator: Blood Lead Testing and Age of Housing
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Number of homes built before 1950 (as measured in the 2000 Census)HTML documentHTML document 
Number of homes built between 1950 and 1979 (as measured in the 2000 Census)HTML documentHTML document 
Percent of homes built before 1950 (as measured in the 2000 Census)HTML documentHTML document 
Percent of homes built between 1950 and 1979 (as measured in the 2000 Census)HTML documentHTML document 
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Content Area: Climate Change
Indicator: Heat stress emergency department visits
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy Years
Age-adjusted rate of emergency department visits for heat stress per 100,000 populationHTML document  
Crude rate of emergency department visits for heat stress per 100,000 populationHTML document  
Number of emergency department visits for heat stressHTML document  
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Content Area: Climate Change
Indicator: Flood Vulnerability, Future Projections of Extreme Precipitation and Historical Extreme Precipitation
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy Years
Number of extreme precipitation days HTML document 
Monthly estimates of precipitation Excel document 
Projected number of future extreme precipitation days HTML document 
Projected annual precipitation intensity HTML document 
Projected ratio of rain to snow HTML document 
Number of Square Miles Within FEMA Designated Flood Hazard Area HTML document 
Percent Area (square miles) Within FEMA Designated Flood Hazard Area HTML document 
Number of People Within FEMA Designated Flood Hazard Area HTML document 
Number of Housing Units Within FEMA Designated Flood Hazard Area HTML document 
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Content Area: Climate Change
Indicator: Heat stress hospitalizations
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy Years
Age-adjusted rate of hospitalizations for heat stress per 100,000 populationHTML document  
Crude rate of hospitalizations for heat stress per 100,000 populationHTML document  
Number of hospitalizations for heat stressHTML document  
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Content Area: Climate Change
Indicator: Heat Vulnerability - Adaptive Capacity
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Hospital Counts HTML document 
Hospitals per 100,000 people HTML document 
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Content Area: Climate Change
Indicator: Heat Vulnerability - Exposure
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Number of extreme heat days HTML document 
Number of extreme heat events HTML document 
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Content Area: Climate Change
Indicator: Heat Vulnerability - Sensitivity
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Age-adjusted, estimated percent of adults >= 20 years with diagnosed diabetes HTML document 
Rate of hospitalization for heart disease among Medicare beneficiaries >= 65 years 
PDF document
Percent of population of a race other than white HTML document 
Percent of population aged 65 years and over living alone HTML document 
Percent Forest Cover HTML document 
Percent of developed land use HTML document 
Age-adjusted rate of hospitalization for heart attack among persons 35 and over per 10,000 population HTML document 
Median Household Income HTML document 
Number of People in Poverty HTML document 
Number of People without Health Insurance HTML document 
Percent of People in Poverty HTML document 
Percent of People without Health insurance HTML document 
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Content Area: Climate Change
Indicator: Heat-Related Mortality
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Number of summertime (May-Sep) heat-related deaths, by yearHTML document  
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Content Area: Climate Change
Indicator: Temperature Distribution
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy Years
Daily Estimates of Maximum Temperature  
2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010  
Daily Estimates of Maximum Heat Index  
2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010  
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Content Area: Climate Change
Indicator: Future Projections of Extreme Heat
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy Years
Projected Number of Future Extreme Heat Days HTML document 
Projected Number of Future Extreme Heat Nights HTML document 
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Content Area: Community Design
Indicator: Access to Parks and Public Schools
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Number of population living within half a mile of a parkHTML documentHTML document 
Percentage of Population living within half a mile of a parkHTML documentHTML document 
Number of population aged 5 to 9 years that resides within half a mile of a public elementary schoolHTML documentHTML document 
Percentage of population aged 5 to 9 years that resides within half a mile of a public elementary schoolHTML documentHTML document 
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Content Area: Community Design
Indicator: Annual PM2.5 Level (Monitor only)
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Annual average ambient concentrations of PM2.5 in (micrograms per cubic meter) HTML document 
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Content Area: Community Design
Indicator: Annual PM2.5 Level (Monitor + Modeled)
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Annual average ambient concentrations of PM2.5 in micrograms per cubic meter HTML document 
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Content Area: Community Design
Indicator: Blood Lead Testing by Birth Cohort
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Number of children born in the same year and tested before age 3 with confirmed elevated blood lead levelsHTML documentHTML document 
Percent of children born in the same year and tested before age 3 with confirmed elevated blood lead levelsHTML documentHTML document 
  Top of Page
Content Area: Community Design
Indicator: Blood Lead Testing and Age of Housing
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Number of homes built before 1950 (as measured in the 2000 Census)HTML documentHTML document 
Number of homes built between 1950 and 1979 (as measured in the 2000 Census)HTML documentHTML document 
Percent of homes built before 1950 (as measured in the 2000 Census)HTML documentHTML document 
Percent of homes built between 1950 and 1979 (as measured in the 2000 Census)HTML documentHTML document 
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Content Area: Community Design
Indicator: Ozone - Days above regulatory standard (Monitor only)
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Number of days with maximum 8-hour average ozone concentration over the National Ambient Air Quality Standard HTML document 
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Content Area: Community Design
Indicator: Ozone - Days above regulatory standard (Monitor + Modeled)
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Number of days with maximum 8-hour average ozone concentration over the NAAQS HTML document 
Number of person-days with max 8-hour average ozone concentration over the NAAQS HTML document 
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Content Area: Community Design
Indicator: PM2.5 - Days above regulatory standard (Monitor only)
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Percent of days with PM2.5 levels over the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) HTML document 
Person-days with PM2.5 over the National Ambient Air Quality Standard HTML document 
  Top of Page
Content Area: Community Design
Indicator: PM2.5 - Days above regulatory standard (Monitor + Modeled)
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Number of person-days with PM2.5 over the NAAQS HTML document 
Percent of days with PM2.5 levels over the NAAQS HTML document 
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Content Area: Community Design
Indicator: Proximity to Highway
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Number of public schools sited within 150m of a highwayHTML documentHTML document 
Percent of public schools sited within 150m of a highwayHTML documentHTML document 
Number of Population Living within 150m of a highwayHTML documentHTML document 
Percent of Population Living within 150m of a highwayHTML documentHTML document 
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Content Area: Community Design
Indicator: Types of Transportation to Work
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Number of workers over 16 years that took Car, Truck, Van (drove alone)HTML documentHTML document 
Percentage of workers over 16 years that took Car, Truck, Van (drove alone)HTML documentHTML document 
Number of workers over 16 years that took Car, Truck, Van (carpooled)HTML documentHTML document 
Percentage of workers over 16 years that took Car, Truck, Van (carpooled)HTML documentHTML document 
Number of workers over 16 years that took Public Transportation (excluding taxicabs)HTML documentHTML document 
Percentage of workers over 16 years that took Public Transportation (excluding taxicabs)HTML documentHTML document 
Number of workers over 16 years that took MotorcycleHTML documentHTML document 
Percentage of workers over 16 years that took MotorcycleHTML documentHTML document 
Number of workers over 16 years that took BicycleHTML documentHTML document 
Percentage of workers over 16 years that took BicycleHTML documentHTML document 
Number of workers over 16 years that WalkedHTML documentHTML document 
Percentage of workers over 16 years that WalkedHTML documentHTML document 
Number of workers over 16 years that Worked at HomeHTML documentHTML document 
Percentage of workers over 16 years that Worked at HomeHTML documentHTML document 
Number of workers over 16 years that took Bus or Trolley BusHTML documentHTML document 
Percentage of workers over 16 years that took Bus or Trolley BusHTML documentHTML document 
Total number of workers over 16 yearsHTML documentHTML document 
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Content Area: Developmental Disabilities
Indicator: Estimated Prevalence of Autism
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Estimated prevalence of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) per 1000 children 8 years oldHTML document  
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Content Area: Developmental Disabilities
Indicator: Children Receiving Interventions or Services
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Number of children ages 3 to 17 receiving early intervention, special education, or related services for a developmental disabilityHTML document  
Percent of children ages 3 to 17 receiving early intervention, special education, or related services for a developmental disabilityHTML document  
Number of children ages 3 to 5 receiving early intervention, special education, or related services for a developmental disabilityHTML document  
Percent of children ages 3 to 5 receiving early intervention, special education, or related services for a developmental disabilityHTML document  
Number of children ages 6 to 11 receiving early intervention, special education, or related services for a developmental disabilityHTML document  
Percent of children ages 6 to 11 receiving early intervention, special education, or related services for a developmental disabilityHTML document  
Number of children ages 12 to 17 receiving early intervention, special education, or related services for a developmental disabilityHTML document  
Percent of children ages 12 to 17 receiving early intervention, special education, or related services for a developmental disabilityHTML document  
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Content Area: Drinking Water
Indicator: Atrazine in Community Water Systems
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy Years
Distribution of number of community water systems (CWS) by mean Atrazine concentrations (micrograms per liter) by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of people served by community water systems (CWS) by mean Atrazine concentrations (micrograms per liter) by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of community water systems (CWS) by maximum Atrazine concentrations (micrograms per liter) by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of people served by community water systems (CWS) by maximum Atrazine concentrations (micrograms per liter) by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of community water systems (CWS) by mean Atrazine concentrations (micrograms per liter) by quarterHTML document  
Distribution of number of people served by community water systems (CWS) by mean Atrazine concentrations (micrograms per liter) by quarterHTML document  
Mean concentration of Atrazine (micrograms per liter) by year  
1999 2000 2001 2002
2003 2004 2005 2006
2007 2008 2009 2010
2011 2012 2013
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Content Area: Drinking Water
Indicator: DEHP in Community Water Systems
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy Years
Distribution of number of community water systems (CWS) by mean DEHP concentrations (micrograms per liter) by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of people served by community water systems (CWS) by mean DEHP concentrations (micrograms per liter) by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of community water systems (CWS) by maximum DEHP concentrations (micrograms per liter) by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of people served by community water systems (CWS) by maximum DEHP concentrations (micrograms per liter) by yearHTML document  
Mean concentration of DEHP (micrograms per liter) by year  
1999 2000 2001 2002
2003 2004 2005 2006
2007 2008 2009 2010
2011 2012 2013
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Content Area: Drinking Water
Indicator: PCE in Community Water Systems
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy Years
Distribution of number of community water systems (CWS) by mean PCE concentrations (micrograms per liter) by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of people served by community water systems (CWS) by mean PCE concentrations (micrograms per liter) by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of community water systems (CWS) by maximum PCE concentrations (micrograms per liter) by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of people served by community water systems (CWS) by maximum PCE concentrations (micrograms per liter) by yearHTML document  
Mean concentration of PCE (micrograms per liter) by year  
1999 2000 2001 2002
2003 2004 2005 2006
2007 2008 2009 2010
2011 2012 2013
  Top of Page
Content Area: Drinking Water
Indicator: TCE in Community Water Systems
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy Years
Distribution of number of community water systems (CWS) by mean TCE concentrations (micrograms per liter) by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of people served by community water systems (CWS) by mean TCE concentrations (micrograms per liter) by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of community water systems (CWS) by maximum TCE concentrations (micrograms per liter) by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of people served by community water systems (CWS) by maximum TCE concentrations (micrograms per liter) by yearHTML document  
Mean concentration of TCE (micrograms per liter) by year  
1999 2000 2001 2002
2003 2004 2005 2006
2007 2008 2009 2010
2011 2012 2013
  Top of Page
Content Area: Drinking Water
Indicator: Radium in Community Water Systems
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy Years
Distribution of number of community water systems (CWS) by mean Radium concentrations (picoCuries/per liter) by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of people served by community water systems (CWS) by mean Radium concentrations (picoCuries per liter) by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of community water systems (CWS) by maximum Radium concentrations (picoCuries per liter) by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of people served by community water systems (CWS) by maximum Radium concentrations (picoCuries per liter) by yearHTML document  
Mean concentration of Radium (picoCuries per liter) by year  
1999 2000 2001 2002
2003 2004 2005 2006
2007 2008 2009 2010
2011 2012 2013
  Top of Page
Content Area: Drinking Water
Indicator: Uranium in Community Water Systems
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy Years
Distribution of number of community water systems (CWS) by mean Uranium concentrations (micrograms per liter) by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of people served by community water systems (CWS) by mean Uranium concentrations (micrograms per liter) by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of community water systems (CWS) by maximum Uranium concentrations (micrograms per liter) by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of people served by community water systems (CWS) by maximum Uranium concentrations (micrograms per liter) by yearHTML document  
Mean concentration of Uranium (micrograms per liter) by year  
1999 2000 2001 2002
2003 2004 2005 2006
2007 2008 2009 2010
2011 2012 2013
  Top of Page
Content Area: Drinking Water
Indicator: Arsenic in CWS
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy Years
Distribution of number of community water systems (CWS) by mean arsenic concentrations (micrograms per liter), by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of people served by community water systems (CWS) by mean arsenic concentrations (micrograms per liter), by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of community water systems (CWS) by maximum arsenic concentrations (micrograms per liter), by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of people served by community water systems (CWS) by maximum arsenic concentrations (micrograms per liter), by yearHTML document  
Mean concentration of Arsenic (micrograms per liter) by year  
1999 2000 2001 2002
2003 2004 2005 2006
2007 2008 2009 2010
2011 2012 2013
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Content Area: Drinking Water
Indicator: Disinfection Byproducts in CWS
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy Years
Distribution of number of people served by community water systems (CWS) by mean trihalomethane (THM) concentrations (micrograms per liter), by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of people served by community water systems (CWS) served by community water systems (CWS) by mean haloacetic acids (HAA5) concentrations (micrograms per liter), by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of people served by community water systems (CWS) served by community water systems (CWS) by mean trihalomethane (THM) concentrations (micrograms per liter), by quarterHTML document  
Distribution of number of people served by community water systems (CWS) by mean haloacetic acids (HAA5) concentrations (micrograms per liter), by quarterHTML document  
Distribution of number of community water systems (CWS) by mean trihalomethane (THM) concentrations (micrograms per liter), by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of community water systems (CWS) by mean haloacetic acids (HAA5) concentrations (micrograms per liter), by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of community water systems (CWS) by maximum trihalomethane (THM) concentrations (micrograms per liter), by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of people served by community water systems (CWS) by maximum trihalomethane (THM) concentrations (micrograms per liter), by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of community water systems (CWS) by mean trihalomethane concentrations (micrograms per liter), by quarterHTML document  
Distribution of number of community water systems (CWS) by maximum haloacetic acids (HAA5) concentrations (micrograms per liter), by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of people served by community water systems (CWS) by maximum haloacetic acids (HAA5) concentrations (micrograms per liter), by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of people served by community water systems (CWS) by mean haloacetic acids concentrations (micrograms per liter), by quarterHTML document  
Mean concentration of HAA5 (micrograms per liter) by year  
1999 2000 2001 2002
2003 2004 2005 2006
2007 2008 2009 2010
2011 2012 2013
Mean concentration of TTHM (micrograms per liter) by year  
1999 2000 2001 2002
2003 2004 2005 2006
2007 2008 2009 2010
2011 2012 2013
  Top of Page
Content Area: Drinking Water
Indicator: Nitrates in CWS
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy Years
Distribution of number of community water systems (CWS) by mean nitrate concentrations (milligrams per liter), by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of community water systems (CWS) by maximum nitrate concentrations (milligrams per liter), by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of people served by community water systems (CWS) served by community water systems (CWS) by mean nitrate concentrations (milligrams per liter), by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of people served by community water systems (CWS) served by community water systems (CWS) by maximum nitrate concentrations (milligrams per liter), by yearHTML document  
Distribution of number of community water systems (CWS) by mean nitrate concentrations (milligrams per liter), by quarterHTML document  
Distribution of number of people served by community water systems (CWS) by mean nitrate concentrations (milligrams per liter), by quarterHTML document  
Mean concentration of Nitrate (milligrams per liter) by year  
1999 2000 2001 2002
2003 2004 2005 2006
2007 2008 2009 2010
2011 2012 2013
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Content Area: Drinking Water
Indicator: Public Water Use
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Number of people receiving water from community water systemsHTML document  
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Content Area: Lifestyle Risk Factors
Indicator: Smoking Prevalence
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Percent of adults who ever smoked 2000-10HTML document  
Percent of current adult smokers 2000-10HTML document  
Percent of former adult smokers 2000-10HTML document  
Percent of adults who ever smoked 2011-HTML document  
Percent of current adult smokers 2011-HTML document  
Percent of former adult smokers 2011-HTML document  
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Content Area: Heart Disease
Indicator: Hospitalizations for Heart Attacks
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Age-adjusted rate of hospitalization for heart attack among persons 35 and over per 10,000 populationHTML document 
Crude rate of hospitalization for heart attack among persons 35 and over per 10,000 populationHTML document 
Number of hospitalizations for heart attackHTML document 
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Content Area: Heart Disease
Indicator: Mortality for Heart Attack
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Annual age-adjusted mortality for Heart Attack per 100,000 populationHTML documentHTML document 
Annual crude mortality for Heart Attack per 100,000 populationHTML documentHTML document 
Annual number of deaths for Heart AttackHTML documentHTML document 
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Content Area: Heart Disease
Indicator: Mortality for Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD)
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Annual number of deaths for Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD)HTML documentHTML document 
Annual crude mortality for IHD per 100,000 populationHTML documentHTML document 
Annual age-adjusted mortality for IHD per 100,000 populationHTML documentHTML document 
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Content Area: Homes
Indicator: Blood Lead Testing and Age of Housing
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Number of homes built before 1950 (as measured in the 2000 Census)HTML documentHTML document 
Number of homes built between 1950 and 1979 (as measured in the 2000 Census)HTML documentHTML document 
Percent of homes built before 1950 (as measured in the 2000 Census)HTML documentHTML document 
Percent of homes built between 1950 and 1979 (as measured in the 2000 Census)HTML documentHTML document 
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Content Area: Lifestyle Risk Factors
Indicator: Smoking Prevalence
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Percent of adults who ever smoked 2000-10HTML document  
Percent of current adult smokers 2000-10HTML document  
Percent of former adult smokers 2000-10HTML document  
Percent of adults who ever smoked 2011-HTML document  
Percent of current adult smokers 2011-HTML document  
Percent of former adult smokers 2011-HTML document  
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Content Area: Lifestyle Risk Factors
Indicator: Overweight and Obesity
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Percent of adults who were obese (BMI=30.0 to 99.8) 2000 - 2010HTML document  
Percent of adults who were overweight (BMI=25.0 to 29.9) 2000 - 2010HTML document  
Percent of adults who were overweight (BMI=25.0 to 29.9) 2011 and onwardHTML document  
Percent of adults who were obese (BMI=30.0 to 99.8) 2011 and onwardHTML document  
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Content Area: Population Characteristics
Indicator: Demographic Measures
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Population Estimates-Number of PeopleHTML document
HTML document
PDF document
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Content Area: Population Characteristics
Indicator: Socioeconomic Measures
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Poverty-Number of PeopleHTML document
HTML document
PDF document
Poverty-Percent of PeopleHTML document
HTML document
HTML document
Median Household IncomeHTML document
HTML document
HTML document
Health Insurance Coverage-Number of UninsuredHTML document
HTML document
HTML document
HTML document
Health Insurance Coverage-Uninsured PercentageHTML document
HTML document
HTML document
Education-population count high school diploma or equivalent by age 25HTML document
HTML document
PDF document
Education-population percent high school diploma or equivalent by age 25HTML document
HTML document
PDF document
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Content Area: Reproductive and Birth Outcomes
Indicator: Fertility Rate
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Total Fertility Rate per 1000 women of reproductive ageHTML documentHTML document 
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Content Area: Reproductive and Birth Outcomes
Indicator: Low Birthweight among Singleton Births
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Number of low birthweight (less than 2500 grams) live term singleton birthsHTML documentHTML document 
Percent of low birthweight (less than 2500 grams) live term singleton birthsHTML documentHTML document 
Average annual number of very low birthweight (less than 1500 grams) live singleton births over 5 year periodHTML documentHTML document 
Average annual percent of very low birthweight (less than 1500 grams) live singleton births over 5 year periodHTML documentHTML document 
  Top of Page
Content Area: Reproductive and Birth Outcomes
Indicator: Infant Mortality
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Average annual number of Infant (less than 1 year of age) Deaths over 5 year periodHTML documentHTML document 
Average annual Infant (less than 1 year of age) Mortality Rate per 1000 live births over 5 year periodHTML documentHTML document 
Average Annual Number of Neonatal (less than 28 days of age) Deaths over 5 year period.HTML documentHTML document 
Average annual Neonatal (less than 28 days of age) Mortality Rate per 1000 live births over 5 year periodHTML documentHTML document 
Average annual number of Postneonatal (equal to or greater than 28 days to less than 1 year of age) Deaths over 5 year periodHTML documentHTML document 
Average annual Postneonatal (equal to or greater than 28 days to less than 1 year of age) Mortality Rate per 1000 live births over 5 year periodHTML documentHTML document 
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Content Area: Reproductive and Birth Outcomes
Indicator: Prematurity among Singleton Births
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Number of preterm (less than 37 weeks gestation) live singleton birthsHTML documentHTML document 
Percent of preterm (less than 37 weeks gestation) live singleton birthsHTML documentHTML document 
Average annual number of very preterm (less than 32 weeks gestation) live singleton births over 5 year periodHTML documentHTML document 
Average annual percent of very preterm (less than 32 weeks gestation) live singleton births over 5 year periodHTML documentHTML document 
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Content Area: Reproductive and Birth Outcomes
Indicator: Sex Ratio
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Male to Female sex ratio at birth (term singletons only)HTML documentHTML document 
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Content Area: Pesticides
Indicator: Pesticide-Related Illness
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Number of Deaths from Exposures to All PesticidesHTML document  
Number of Major Effect Illnesses from Exposure to All PesticidesHTML document  
Number of Minor Effect Illnesses from Exposure to All PesticidesHTML document  
Number of Moderate Effect Illnesses from Exposure to All PesticidesHTML document  
Number of No Effect Illnesses from Exposure to All PesticidesHTML document  
Number of Unable to Follow-Potentially Toxic Illnesses from Exposure to All PesticidesHTML document  
Rate of Minor Effect Illnesses from Exposure to All Pesticides per 100,000 peopleHTML document  
Rate of Moderate Effect Illnesses from Exposure to All Pesticides per 100,000 peopleHTML document  
Rate of No Effect Effect Illnesses from Exposure to All Pesticides per 100,000 peopleHTML document  
Rate of Unable to Follow-Potentially Toxic Illnesses from Exposure to All Pesticides per 100,000 peopleHTML document  
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Content Area: Pesticides
Indicator: Reported Pesticide Exposures
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Number of Reported Exposures to All PesticidesHTML document  
Number of Reported Exposures to DisinfectantsHTML document  
Number of Reported Exposures to FumigantsHTML document  
Number of Reported Exposures to FungicidesHTML document  
Number of Reported Exposures to HerbicidesHTML document  
Number of Reported Exposures to InsecticidesHTML document  
Number of Reported Exposures to RepellentsHTML document  
Number of Reported Exposures to RodenticidesHTML document  
Rate of Exposure to All Pesticides per 100,000 peopleHTML document  
Rate of Exposure to All Disinfectants per 100,000 peopleHTML document  
Rate of Exposure to All Fumigants per 100,000 peopleHTML document  
Rate of Exposure to All Fungicides per 100,000 peopleHTML document  
Rate of Exposure to All Herbicides per 100,000 peopleHTML document  
Rate of Exposure to All Insecticides per 100,000 peopleHTML document  
Rate of Exposure to All Repellents per 100,000 peopleHTML document  
Rate of Exposure to All Rodenticides per 100,000 peopleHTML document  
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Content Area: Toxic Substance Releases
Indicator: Acute Toxic Substance Releases
MeasureNational by StateNational by CountyBy States
Number of Reported Acute Toxic Substance Release IncidentsHTML documentHTML document 
Percent of Reported Acute Toxic Substance Release Incidents with at Least One Injury or FatalityHTML documentHTML document 
Percent of Reported Acute Toxic Substance Release Incidents with Evacuation OrderedHTML documentHTML document 
Rate of Injuries and Fatalities due to Reported Acute Toxic Substance Release Incidents per 100,000 populationHTML documentHTML document 
Rate of Reported Acute Toxic Substance Release Incidents per 100,000 populationHTML documentHTML document 
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