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Online Bioethics Resources

National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)

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National Institutes of Health (NIH)

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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)

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U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

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Other Resources

  • American Academy of Pediatrics: Ethical Issues With Genetic Testing in Pediatrics
    Recommendations on newborn screening and genetic testing in children
    Links to articles on bioethics and genetics
  • Bioethics Resources on the Web
    Links to bioethics resources
  • CDC Public Health Genomics
    Publications: Ethical, legal, and social implications
  • The Council for Responsible Genetics
    Information on the social, ethical and environmental implications of genetic technologies
  • DNA Patent Database
    Searchable database of U.S. DNA-based patents issued by the USPTO
  • Ethics in Medicine
    An electronic resource at the University of Washington School of Medicine
  • The Ethics of Synthetic Biology and Emerging Technologies
    A report to the Presidential Commission on the Study for Bioethical Issues on synthetic biology with an accompanying press release and FAQ.
  • Genetics & Ethics
    Information on the social, ethical and policy issues associated with genetic and genomic knowledge and technology
  • Georgetown University: National Information Resource on Ethics & Human Genetics
    Search engine for literature on specific issues.
  • The Hastings Center
    The Hastings Center is an independent, nonpartisan and nonprofit bioethics research institute founded in 1969. The Center's mission is to address fundamental ethical issues in the areas of health, medicine, and the environment as they affect individuals, communities, and societies.
  • HumGen International - Database
    Access to a comprehensive international database on the legal, social and ethical aspects of human genetics
  • International Bioethics Organizations Database
    Part of the NIREHG, a database of bioethics organizations that have a focus on bioethics or an area related to bioethics.
  • National Information Resource on Ethics & Human Genetics, Kennedy Institute of Ethics
    The NIREHG, funded by the NHGRI and National Institutes of Health, supports information services - for example, bibliographic databases searchable via the Internet, the full text of online annotated bibliographies, and print publications - on topics related to ethics and human genetics.
  • NCSL - Genetics Overview
    Status of legislative actions and acess to policy briefs on genetic issues of concern to state legislators
  • The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues
    Information on current bioethical issues
  • Scope Note Series (Kennedy Institute of Ethics/ Georgetown University)
    Information on various aspects of genetics and ethics
  • THOMAS Legislative Information on the Internet
    Searchable database of U.S. legislation
  • Your Genes Your Choices
    Describes the Human Genome Project, the science behind it, and the ethical, legal, and social issues that are raised by the project

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Last Updated: July 20, 2015

See Also:

Online Research Resources

Online Health Resources

Online Genetics Education Resources

Online Careers & Training Resources