SBIR/STTR Highlights

If you have successfully commercialized a technology that resulted from a DOE SBIR or STTR Phase II award and want to share this highlight, please refer to this template.docx file (34KB) for guidance on how to submit a DOE SBIR/STTR Highlight.

Time of flight aerosol mass spectrometer in flight ready rack.01.01.13SBIR/STTR Highlight

Aerodyne Develops an Aircraft-Deployable Precision Aerosol Analyzer

Aerodyne Research Inc. develops an aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS) that fills a critical need for size-resolved, quantitative chemical composition data on aerosol particles. Read More »

Top image: Filmwise condensation (FWC), Bottom image: Dropwise condensation (DWC)01.01.13SBIR/STTR Highlight

NEI Corporation Technology Promotes Efficiency in Heat Exchangers

NEI’s SuperCondenser™ technology increases the energy efficiency of a power plant’s condensing steam turbine by allowing steam to condense into water more efficiently. Read More »

Ceramic casting core with an intricate, fine-featured trailing edge.01.01.13SBIR/STTR Highlight

Mikro Systems Develops Unique Ceramic Core Casting Technology

Mikro’s sophisticated gas turbine airfoil designs allow turbines to operate at higher temperatures, thereby increasing efficiency, improving performance, and reducing emissions. Read More »

The QwikSEER+ WattSaver™ Control Board.01.01.13SBIR/STTR Highlight

Mainstream Engineering Develops a Low-Cost Energy-Saving Device for A/C Systems

Mainstream is achieving its goal to commercialize practical and cost-effective A/C solutions that increase energy efficiency. Read More »

ORPC's TidGen™ turbine generator unit.01.01.13SBIR/STTR Highlight

First Commercial, Grid-Connected, Hydrokinetic Tidal Energy Project in North America

Ocean Renewable Power Company’s (ORPC) TidGen™ device has a rated capacity of 150 kilowatts and generates enough electricity annually to power 25 to 30 homes. Read More »

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Last modified: 11/9/2015 9:00:32 PM