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celbrating_famsEast Coast/West Coast Training of Trainers
A Training of Trainers is scheduled in San Jose, CA March 8-9, and a second one will be held at the NACoA National Office Ttraining Center in Kensington, MD April 16-17. A Group Facilitator and Program Implementation training will be held at NACoA April 15-16. Trainers will include three of the CF! program developers and training program designers from California. Contact NACoA at 1-888-554-2627 for more information.

stpayylogoSober St. Patrick's Day
NACoA is participating in Sober St. Patrick's Day again this year. See the story, and join us in NYC on March 16. See the story


COA Week Celebrated Internationally
Visit NACoA-UK's COA Week site to see the activities in Great Britain.
See the NACoA Deutschland special COA Week site
NACoA Brasil celebrated its first COA Week.
Visit the Amy Weinberg Foundation's COA Week site

Boston Mayor Issued COA Week Proclamation
. See full proclamation
Visit the US Army Substance Abuse COA Week website

More about COA Week

30 year logoJoin us for NACoA's 30th anniversary conference celebration at the 4th Annual Counseling Advances Conference in Las Vegas March 13-15. The conference theme is Impact of Trauma, Addiction and Attachment on the Self & Family, and will feature many of NACoA's leading presenters, including Stephanie Brown, Claudia Black, Robert Ackerman and Jerry Moe.

Recent NACoA Webinars
View the November 29th webinar
Addressing the Silent Trauma in the Pew:
A Holiday Challenge
, featuring Tian Dayton, PhD, TEP, and Rev. Robert Albers, PhD, discussing holiday issues specific to ACOAs and COAs and supportive strategies in faith communities that can help.

See slide presentation from NACoA's November 14th webinar on Impacts of Addiction on the Family System and Children hosted by NAADAC the Association for Addiction Professionals.

September is Recovery Month!


Hundreds of events are being planned across America and beyond. NACoA will co-host the annual kick-off luncheon with the Entertainment Industries Council, honoring the 30th anniversary year of both organizations. Visit the RecoveryMonth website for extensive promotional and educational materials for your organization's and community's celebrations.

NACoA Leaders in ACOA Recovery

Jack Fahey
Mona Johnson
Robert Zucker, Ph.D


ACE Study
The Health and Social Impact of Growing Up With Alcohol Abuse and Related Adverse Childhood Experiences: The Human and Economic Costs of the Status Quo. Robert Anda, MD, MS, is a member of NACoA's Board of Scientific Advisors.

The Information about Drugs and Alcohol (IDA) research compendium provides access to over 100,000, bibliographic abstracts, full text articles and reports which focus on drugs, alcohol, and tobacco, as well as children of alcoholics, mental health, social marketing, employee assistance programs, and health communication issues.


10920 Connecticut Ave, Suite 100
Kensington, MD 20895

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