


Coronavirus Resource Center

The content of this Resource Center will be updated regularly to include details about new informational events and webinars, the latest news from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Health and Human Services (HHS), educational events and webinars, and work underway at our nation's osteopathic medical schools to raise awareness on prevention and preparedness efforts

Transforming Undergraduate

Osteopathic Medical Education

Having grown from a handful of college administrators a century ago, the organization today represents the administration, faculty, and students of all of the osteopathic medical colleges in the United States. The association, guided by its Board of Deans and various other member councils and committees, is actively involved in all areas of osteopathic medical education.

Advancing Osteopathic

Graduate Medical Education

AACOM represents and advances the continuum of medical education.  Through the Assembly of Osteopathic Graduate Medical Educators (AOGME), AACOM offers the only professional membership solely focused on supporting and advancing osteopathic GME.

Representing Membership Through

Public Policy & Advocacy

AACOM leads congressional and federal regulatory advocacy efforts on behalf of the association to ensure that osteopathic medical education is an active force in the formulation of national health and higher education policies.

Connect With AACOM


News and information from across the osteopathic medical education community.
