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Who & When

Knowing which vaccines you need is an important step toward protecting your health and that of your family and friends.  Getting vaccines on time helps prevent illness before you’re exposed.

If you are sick, you may still be able to receive a vaccine, depending on which vaccine you need and the type and severity of your illness. Talk with your health care provider about the vaccines that might be recommended for your age, health status, and lifestyle. To learn about situations in which you should wait to receive a vaccine or shouldn’t receive one, check the Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) for the particular vaccine you need. If you have a chronic health condition, you can find more information in our guide to vaccine recommendations for chronic diseases

Vaccine schedules are designed with you in mind.  They are constructed to be as safe and as convenient as possible, without requiring unnecessary visits to your doctor or health care provider. 

Find out which vaccines you may need at different times of life by reading about your age or health condition below.

Infants, Children, & Teens (birth to age 18)

An infant and toddlerA Pre-teen and TeenVaccinating your child is one of the most important steps you can take to protect their health and future. The childhood vaccine schedule designed to be as safe and as convenient as possible, and to protect children when they are at highest risk of complications from disease. Help protect your child’s health by learning about the vaccines they need and being sure to get the pre-teen and teenage vaccines on time. If your child did not get these vaccines at age 11 or 12, schedule an appointment to get them now. Vaccines are an important part of preventive care throughout life.  >Read More  

Child Catch-up (age 4 months to 18 years)

Two childrenIf your child is behind on his or her vaccines, don’t worry – they can get caught up on all the recommended vaccines at any age.  Some schools and child care centers may require your child to be up-to-date on certain recommended vaccines before entrance. Review the Child Catch-up schedule and speak with your doctor to learn how to get your child safely back on track.  Read More

College & Young Adults (age 19 to 24)

College graduatesYoung adulthood often means increased independence, changes, and responsibilities.  Most vaccines are given early in childhood, but college students, armed services recruits, and young adults need certain immunizations, too. Learn more about the vaccines are specifically recommended for young adults ages 19-24.  Read More


Adults (age 19 and older)

An adultImmunizations are not just for kids!  Whether a college student, middle-aged adult, or senior citizen, all adults need immunizations to keep them and their families healthy.  Read More


Seniors (age 65 and older)

A Senior CitizenVaccines for older adults can prevent serious diseases and even death. They can also help prevent the spread of disease through your family and community. Review the schedule for seniors to learn more about the vaccines you might need.  Read More



A pregnant womanVaccines can help keep you and your growing family healthy. If you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, the specific vaccinations you need are determined by factors such as your age, lifestyle, high-risk conditions, type and locations of travel, and previous vaccinations.  Read More


Health Conditions

A boy uses an inhalerVaccine-preventable diseases can cause serious complications in people who have chronic illnesses, such as influenza in those who have asthma, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Talk with your health care provider and learn more about the vaccines recommended for your age, health status, and lifestyle, especially if you have a chronic or serious health condition.  Read More


Scuba divingHeading out of the country? Find out more about the vaccines you may need to protect yourself abroad.  Read More