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Share Vaccines.gov Information

Vaccines.gov makes it easy to share information with your network and visitors. Below are badges and a widget you can embed on your site.


Large Badge

This badge provides a graphic with a link to Vaccines.gov.

<a href="//www.vaccines.gov" target="_blank"><img src="//www.vaccines.gov/images/badge-vaccines-square.jpg" border="0" width="142" height="131" /></a>

Small Badge

This badge provides a graphic with a link to Vaccines.gov.

<a href="//www.vaccines.gov" target="_blank"><img src="//www.vaccines.gov/images/badge-vaccines-rectangle.jpg" border="0" width="192" height="54" /></a>

Adult Vaccine Finder Widget

A widget is an application that displays the featured content directly on personalized home pages, blogs, and other sites. After embedding the widget using the code provided, no maintenance is required.Vaccines.gov will update the content automatically.

Large badge

<iframe frameborder="0" height="152" id="vaccinefinder" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" name="vaccinefinder" scrolling="no" src="//wcdapps.hhs.gov/Badges/Handlers/Badge.ashx?js=0&widgetname=vaccinefinder" title="Vaccine.gov" width="269"></iframe>

Small badge

<iframe frameborder="0" height="128" id="vaccinefinderw199" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" name="vaccinefinderw199" scrolling="no" src="//wcdapps.hhs.gov/Badges/Handlers/Badge.ashx?js=0&widgetname=vaccinefinderw199" title="Vaccine.gov" width="199"></iframe>

When Should You Be Vaccinated Widget

This widget takes users directly to the vaccines schedule recommended for their age or health status.


<iframe src="//www.vaccines.gov/more_info/resources/vaccine-widget.html" width="222" height="205" title="When Should You Be Vaccinated Widget" frameborder="0">//www.vaccines.gov/more_info/resources/vaccine-widget.html</iframe>