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Getting Vaccinated

What to Expect

  • Read more about how to prepare yourself or your child to receive vaccines and what you should know afterward. This includes information your doctor or health care provider will need, vaccine record keeping, and guidance on assessing or reporting a health problem following immunization.

Where to Get Vaccinated

  • Visit this section to find federally-funded public health clinics that provide vaccines and other health services if you don’t have a regular source of health care. This section also leads you to vaccine resources in your area, such as state requirements of school/child care entry, local vaccine regulations, and outbreak updates.

How to Pay

  • Explore resources to make vaccines more affordable, such as finding health insurance coverage with preventive health benefits, preventive services available under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the Vaccines for Children program for uninsured or underinsured children, and special information for seniors covered by Medicare.