Opening Doors calls on us to design community responses that prevent homelessness whenever possible. And when we aren't able to prevent it, to make sure it is a rare, brief and one-time experience.

Ending Chronic Homelessness

Communities must continue the hard work of identifying and engaging the most vulnerable on our streets and in our shelters. And leaders at the federal, state, and local levels must make the additional investments needed to solve this problem.

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Ending Veteran Homelessness

More than 35 communities - including 3 entire states - across the country have already ended Veteran homelessness. We won't let up until every community has reached that goal.

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Ending Family Homelessness

Families are facing a significant housing affordability crisis in this country. While addressing the immediate housing needs of families experiencing homelessness, we must also take action at the federal, state, and local level to expand the supply of affordable housing.

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Ending Youth Homelessness

Our understanding of the scope and dynamics of homelessness among unaccompanied youth under 25 continues to grow. While we continue to improve our data, we are building the comprehensive coordinated response that young people need to end their homelessness forever.

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Setting a Path to End All Homelessness

To prevent and end homelessness for everyone, communities must have responses in place that ensure people who are experiencing a housing crisis get the help they need. That includes both dedicated homelessness services and mainstream resources.

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