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RACE Groundfish Assessment: Recent Publications

  • KASTELLE, C. R., T. E. HELSER, J. L. MCKAY, C. G. JOHNSTON, D. M. ANDERL, M. E. MATTA, and D. G. NICHOL. 2017. Age validation of Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) using high-resolution stable oxygen isotope (δ18O) chronologies in otoliths. Fish. Res. 185:43-53.   Online.
  • SOMERTON, D. A., R. A. McCONNAUGHEY, and S. S. INTELMANN. 2017. Evaluating the use of acoustic bottom typing to inform models of bottom trawl sampling efficiency. Fish. Res. 185:14-16.  Online.
  • STEVENSON, D. E., and R. R. LAUTH. 2012. Latitudinal trends and temporal shifts in the catch composition of bottom trawls conducted on the eastern Bering Sea shelf. Deep-Sea Res. II 65–70:251-259.   Online.
  • GARDNER, J. R., J. W. ORR, D. E. STEVENSON, I. SPIES, and D. A. SOMERTON. 2016. Reproductive parasitism between distant phyla: Molecular identification of snailfish (Liparidae) egg masses in the gill cavities of king crabs (Lithodidae). Copeia 104:645-657.   Online.
  • ORR, J. W. 2016. Two new species of snailfishes of the genus Careproctus (Liparidae) from the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Copeia 104:890-896.   Online.
  • PITCHER, C. R., N. ELLIS, S. JENNINGS, J. G. HIDDINK, T. MAZOR, M. J. KAISER, M. I. KANGAS, R. A. McCONNAUGHEY, A. M. PARMA, A. D. RIJNSDORP, P. SUURONEN, J. COLLIE, R. AMOROSO, K. M. HUGHES, and R. HILBORN. 2016. Estimating the sustainability of towed fishing-gear impacts on seabed habitats: a simple quantitative risk assessment method applicable to data-limited fisheries. Methods Ecol. Evol. Early online.   Online.
  • STEVENSON, D. E., K. L. WEINBERG, and R. R. LAUTH. 2016. Estimating confidence in trawl efficiency and catch quantification for the eastern Bering Sea shelf survey. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-335, 51 p. Online (.pdf, 1.5 MB).  Online.
  • STEVENSON, D. E., M. MOON, M. RICKETT, and M. VECHTER. 2016. Species identification in the North Pacific Observer Program: Training, protocols, and data monitoring. AFSC Processed Rep. 2016-04, 37 p. Alaska Fish. Sci. Cent., NOAA, Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv., 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle WA 98115.   Online.
  • KAISER, M. J., HILBORN, R., JENNINGS, S., AMAROSO, R., ANDERSEN, M., BALLIET, K., BARRATT, E., BERGSTAD, O. A., BISHOP, S., BOSTROM, J. L., BOYD, C., BRUCE, E. A., BURDEN, M., CAREY, C., CLERMONT, J., COLLIE, J. S., DELAHUNTY, A., DIXON, J., EAYRS, S., EDWARDS, N., FUJITA, R., GAUVIN, J., GLEASON, M., HARRIS, B., HE, P., HIDDINK, J. G., HUGHES, K. M., INOSTROZA, M., KENNY, A., KRITZER, J., KUNTZSCH, V., LASTA, M., LOPEZ, I., LOVERIDGE, C., LYNCH, D., MASTERS, J., MAZOR, T., McCONNAUGHEY, R. A., MOENNE, M., FRANCIS, NIMICK, A. M., OLSEN, A., PARKER, D., PARMA, A., PENNEY, C., PIERCE, D., PITCHER, R., POL, M., RICHARDSON, E., RIJNSDORP, A. D., RILATT, S., RODMELL, D. P., ROSE, C., SETHI, S. A., SHORT, K., SUURONEN, P., TAYLOR, E., WALLACE, S., WEBB, L., WICKHAM, E., WILDING, S. R., WILSON, A., WINGER, P. AND SUTHERLAND, W. J. 2016. Prioritization of knowledge-needs to achieve best practices for bottom trawling in relation to seabed habitats. Fish Fish. 17: 637–663.   Online.
  • SMITH, K. R. 2016. Reconciling ambiguity resulting from inconsistent taxonomic classification of marine fauna assessed in the field: Querying a database to reclassify by lowest accountable inclusive taxon (LAIT). U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-333, 57 p.   Online.
  • Additional recent publications

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