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United States, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health American Indian Health: An information portal to issues affecting the health and well-being of American Indians
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menu barAmerican Indian Health: An information portal to issues affecting the health and well-being of American IndiansAmerican Indian Health: An information portal to issues affecting the health and well-being of American Indians
Flu and H1N1 (Influenza)
Heart Diseases

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PEOPLE AND TRADITIONSPeople and Traditions
Tribal Information
Traditional Healing
Other Indigenous People
PROGRAMS AND SERVICES Programs and Services
Healthcare Access
Organizations and Links
NLM Programs
RESEARCH AND DATA Research and Data
Introducing the NLM Native Voices iPad app. The app presents video interviews with tribal elders, healers and other prominent people who practice traditional medicine, Western medicine or a combination of both. From their unique experiences and perspectives, they weave a tapestry of stories of the vibrant and diverse cultures and medicine ways of Alaska Natives, Native Americans and Native Hawaiians. Other video clips provide an exhibition overview and highlights of the 4,400-mile journey of the totem pole specially created for the exhibition. The Native Voices app works on all iPads with iOS4.2 and higher. To download the free app, go to the Apple iTunes store and type in "NLM Native Voices."
Native Voices