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Guide to Federal Immunization Web Sites

Agencies that regulate or administer vaccine/immunization programs

  • CDC
    • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends how vaccines should be used and who should receive them (the vaccine schedule), monitors and responds to disease outbreaks, and conducts vaccine safety research in collaboration with other agencies. The CDC site also provides a number of consumer-friendly online resources about vaccines, infectious diseases, and how to stay healthy.
  • FDA
    • The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) assures the availability of safe and effective vaccines by regulating those used for the prevention of infectious diseases.  This site provides information about: how the FDA evaluates the safety and effectiveness of vaccines before they are licensed (approved) for use in the United States; and monitors for safety and quality after licensure, tools available for people to report adverse events following vaccination; and FDA-approved vaccine labeling, which includes information about adverse events, indications (purpose of the vaccine) and composition, such as ingredients.
  • NIH
    • The National Institutes of Health (NIH) researches and develops new vaccines and continuously evaluate existing vaccines.  This site provides information about vaccine trials for developing vaccines, and specialized information for a variety of populations, such as women, children, and senior citizens.
  • Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
    • The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program provides a way to resolve vaccine injury claims and compensate those found injured as a result of vaccines.  This site provides information about how to file a claim, a review of adverse events related to vaccines, and answers to frequently asked questions.
    • The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) develops and purchases medical tools to address public health emergencies, including vaccines.  This site provides information about vaccine development and public health preparedness strategies.
  • NVPO
    • The National Vaccine Program Office coordinates vaccine-related activities between other Department of Health and Human Services agencies, and provides leadership to carry out the disease-prevention goals of the National Vaccine Plan.  This site provides information about the National Vaccine Plan and National Vaccine Advisory Committee.

Non-HHS Government Vaccine Partners

  • Milvax
    • A resource center about Department of Defense-supported vaccination programs for military service members, their families and beneficiaries.  This site includes information about vaccines, vaccine preventable diseases, and where to find DoD immunization clinics.
  • Veterans’ Affairs
    • A resource center for veterans and their families on a variety of topics, including health and health benefits provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs.  This site includes disease prevention information, and tools to manage your health with VA benefits.

Consumer Resources on Vaccines and Other Preventive Health Issues

  • Flu.gov
    • Flu.gov is a resource for seasonal influenza information.  This site includes a flu vaccine locator tool, as well as information for families, businesses, and other specific populations about influenza and how to prevent it.
  • AIDS.gov
    • AIDS.gov site provides basic HIV/AIDS information, including efforts to develop a vaccine to prevent HIV/AIDS.  The site uses a variety of tools to educate about HIV and AIDS, as well as a primer about using new and social media.
  • Healthfinder.gov
    • Healthfinder.gov provides the most up-to-date information from across many government health websites to help individuals and their families stay healthy.  This site provides individualized health recommendation tools, as well as tools to locate health resources.
  • Healthcare.gov
    • Healthcare.gov explains the Affordable Care Act and how health reform relates to you as an individual.  The site includes tools to find health insurance, compare health care, and learn about prevention.