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Tenure-Track Investigators Committee

The Tenure-Track Investigators Committee was established in February 2000. The charge to the Committee, from Dr. Michael Gottesman, Deputy Director for Intramural Research (DDIR), was:

  • To foster communication among tenure-track investigators
  • To develop programs and functions of specific interest and assistance to tenure-track investigators
  • To create channels of communication between the Tenure-Track Investigators Committee and the NIH leadership

The committee consists of 1-2 investigators per Institute or Center (IC) and meets approximately every 2 months.

Important activities of the Committee include the creation of the Tenure-Track Investigators Resource Survey. Recommendations from the Committee, based on the results of the survey, resulted in the development of a Resources for Tenure-Track Investigators Guidelines (formerly Philosophy and Practices For Tenure Track Investigators), which was approved by the Scientific Directors (SDs) in February 2002.

A second Survey of NIH Tenure-Track Investigators was developed in in October-November 2005 and the Report on the Results, along with the Appendices containing the Detailed Results, the Survey Questions, and a Sample "Accomplishments" form, was presented to the SDs on May 2, 2007. As a result of that survey and those results, the Resources for Tenure-Track Investigators Guidelines (formerly Philosophy and Practices For Tenure Track Investigators) was subsequently updated.

The page was last updated on Thursday, March 19, 2015 - 9:40pm