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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Housing   >   Comp   >   Reports   >   Multifamily   >   HUD Terminated Multifamily Mortgages Database
Terminated Multifamily Mortgages Database

This database includes all terminated HUD Multifamily mortgages except those from the Hospital Mortgage Insurance Program. It includes the Holder and Servicer at the time the mortgage was terminated. It is available in two database formats: Access 2000 and dBase III. The data is as of March 31, 2011 and is updated quarterly. It is extracted from the PeopleSoft / Multifamily Insurance System (MFIS) and includes the following data elements:

FHA Project Number
Project Name
Project Street
Project City
Project State
Project Zip Code
Number of total Units (or total beds for 232 health care)
Initial Endorsement Date
Final Endorsement Date
Original Mortgage Amount
First Payment Date
Maturity Date
Term of loan in months
Interest Rate
Holder Name
Holder City
Holder State
Servicer Name
Servicer City
Servicer State
Section of the Act Code (SoA)
Section of the Act Description
Termination Reason
Termination Date

Tax Exempt Bond Financing Code (Mortgages financed by tax exempt bonds are indicated by "TE" code. This field was updated on new endorsements beginning in CY 2000)
Tax Credit Code (Mortgages that include Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) are indicated by the "TC" code. This field was updated on new endorsements beginning in the middle of 1998)

Select one of the two compressed files to download. Once you download the file, type in the file name and it will decompress to the selected database. It will take approximately 5 minutes to download either of these files with a 28.8 modem.